silly funny angsty hcs!! cry about it🖕🖕😊

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hsmm! angsty rblx myth hcs that are just for funzies!! teeheez



bird dad

trans (ftm); uses he/him and is omniromantic (asexual bros all tha way💪💪)

he likes drawing only with chalk pastels n charcoal

hes also like late twenties to his early thirties maybe like 30 yrs old in my hc (hes not young at all like yall make your myth hcs be :scull:)

cw?? its body dysphoria soo..? theres also mentions of death of a pet. and eating and borderline ed subject! just a heads up ^^

rust_010 had 2 birds when he was like 12-15 y/o. when they had died, he took the longest feathers and pinned/sewed them to his really crappy and old witch hat tht an old couple gave 2 him when he was walking home from school

rust has a raven and a crow. the raven is named reese, and the crow is named raisin. theyre both rlly old, probably gonna die soon but he still loves them with all of his heart and is too afraid to accept that reese and raisin are very close to dying

often has really bad body dysphoria, so he will wear really baggy old and beaten knitted sweaters to hide his chest and body figure

he often feels outcasted and shy around people; SUPA SELF CONSIOUS!! and he nervous-stims alot whenever he has to talk to ppl

rust cries when he gets upset, and he gets pretty ticked off at minor inconveniences lol (IF YOU CRY WHEN YOURE MAD I LOVE YOU..I DO IT ALOT TOO ♥️♥️)

usually spent his birthdays in an oak tree he climbed and sat there for hours just looking at things

he got bullied at school and has a few scars on his knees from getting pushed on the blacktop and alot on his shins from getting kicked

heres yer present after all that

heres yer present after all that

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ok bye 🤲

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