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Ronnie's POV

Ronnie was rudely awakened to her bedside alarm blaring that it was 7:30 AM. Stretching out her body with a tired moan she rolled over and turned it off. She let herself lay there for a few seconds to enjoy that one moment of quiet you get before your day starts. Pulling the blanket back, Ronnie saw that she was wearing one of Steve's shirts. Vaguely remembering that Steve had helped her to get ready for bed last night and tucked her in.

He must carried her up to bed when she fell asleep during the second movie. This wasn't anything new for them, but she now felt a little embarrassed after what happened between them yesterday morning. It was one thing for your guy friend to help you get dressed for bed when there wasn't a sexual element between you. Since that kiss though...

Picking up her discarded dress from the end of her bed she walked into her closet to get undressed. Putting her dress in the dry cleaning basket and her nightshirt, bra and panties in the regular dirty laundry basket. She chuckled that four years later and still Steve wouldn't remove her bra even if her shirt was covering her. Those old school morals were adorable. Ronnie bit her bottom lip at the thought of Steve taking her bra off. The image sent tingles throughout her body.

Taking a quick, but thorough shower to clear her head before heading back to her closet in just her towel. Slipping on her bra and underwear she stood there trying to decide on what clothes to take and what to wear today. Ronnie had plenty of clothes at her Paris apartment so she didn't need to pack much. She did make sure to grab her passport from the closet safe and a couple rings and necklaces that she wanted to wear while she was gone.

She did have to go back to the compound on Steve's motorcycle so no skirts or dresses today. With having a light day after rescheduling most of her meetings she went with a pair of black jeans and an oversized black edged cream sweater over a grey t-shirt. If anything came up where she needed to dress nicely she had a couple spare dresses in her office closet.

Ronnie picked out a pair of black heeled booties that pulled her look together and would match well with any of those dresses if the need arose. Adding some light eye makeup and a deep red lipstick to complete her look, Ronnie deemed herself ready.

Grabbing out a black jacket and a bag that would match her outfit, Ronnie put her passport in the inside zipper compartment to have on hand so she didn't need to worry about it later. Remembering that she left her purse downstairs last night so she'd have to wait to put everything into this one. Taking a deep breath she went downstairs.


Steve was in her downstairs kitchen leaning his hip against the kitchen counter sipping at a cup of black coffee and reading the newspaper. This was a normal sight in the mornings. They didn't always get to see each other during the day, so when they were both home, breakfast was their time to catch up. Ronnie took in that he was dressed for the day in a tight red Henley, light grey slacks, a black belt and his usual pair of boots. He glanced up when she breezed in headed straight for a cup of tea.

"Mornin' Ron, sleep well?"

Ronnie tried to smile at him like she wasn't having a tornado of conflicting thoughts about him whirling in her head. "I did. Thanks for taking me to bed last night." She said as turned to open the cabinet for a cup. If she had been looking at him she would have seen him blush at her comment.

Steve cleared his throat as he folded his paper. "No big deal. Your couch is comfortable, but I know you prefer your bed."

He filled and turned on the electric kettle for her as she grabbed out a packet of earl grey tea. She wasn't like her brother or Steve, she didn't like coffee. Ronnie preferred tea. Specifically black tea first thing in the morning. She noticed that he had bagged up the cookies as she popped a couple pieces of bread in the toaster.

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