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Ronnie's POV

Ronnie woke up wrapped up in Steve's arms with her right leg slung over both of his. At some point he must have moved her to the back side of the couch so she wouldn't fall off. She knew Steve was awake because he was holding his tablet in one hand watching a movie with the volume on low while his right hand was on her bare lower back, absentmindedly rubbing circles on her exposed skin. She let him know she was awake by moving her chin up to rest on his very firm, but comfy peck. "What time is it?"

Steve put down the tablet to check his watch. "With the time difference.. it's 10:25 AM. We should be landing in about two more hours." She must have been a lot more tired than she thought because Ronnie had slept through most of their flight.

Briefly straddling his lap as she sat up to stretch out her upper body, before placing a hand on his stomach to steady herself so she could stand up. "I'll send a message to Christian to let him know that we're a little ahead of schedule."

Steve nodded as he sat up and carefully stretched. Ronnie could see from the discomforted wince on his face that he'd probably been awake a lot longer than she thought. Ronnie chided him. "You should have woken me up so you didn't tweak your back."

"You know I don't mind you cuddling with me. Besides, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to wake you." His soft smile at her made Ronnie's heart flutter in her chest.

She tried to joke off the feeling as she walked over to the small table where she was sitting last night. "The power of the Ronnie Stark cuddle calmed you down enough without waking you up. Also, you're very comfortable for someone being so muscley that I couldn't help but fall asleep." Steve blushed at the mention of his body as he gave her a confused look.

"I cuddled with you because you were having a nightmare. I think it was one where you thought I was in danger because you called out my name." She softened her tone as she explained.

Steve's cheeks tinted pink and based on his avoiding her eyes she thinks to herself that maybe she shouldn't have mentioned the nightmare. Ronnie knew he didn't like even her knowing that he had moments of weakness. "How long do you think I'll have to stay before I can safely sneak away."

Steve breezed past her concern and got straight to business. Right. Don't mention the nightmares. Thinking about it, she guessed he'd only have to stay for only a few hours. If they were photographed soon after landing and then seen heading into her apartment for the night then he should be able to leave after dinner.

"I'd say we can probably have you back on the plane by 8. That'll get you to Bucharest around 11. We should shop for enough groceries so that I don’t have to leave the apartment too much while you're gone." If they were being watched this will make the paps assume they were too busy fonduing to leave. Besides, if Ronnie got bored she could always invite Bastien and Jackie over.

Steve was starting to look unsure about her doing all of this for him. She was quick to reassure him she was more than willing to help. “It’s no big deal, Stevie. After tomorrow I’ll have the rest of this week free. I can catch up on my reading and the other stuff I’ve been neglecting. Just let me know as soon as you guys are ready and I’ll get you guys back unseen to my flat.” Steve nodded his head as he starts to make the shopping list.

Ronnie chuckled at Steve and his list. If anything she could have done it, but she knew it would keep his mind distracted for a little while. Ronnie got out the paperwork she’d brought with her. If she was coming home for such a short time she really would get some much needed work done. By the time they landed she had gotten all caught up on the files for the clients she would be meeting with tomorrow.

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