25 | Surprise Visitors

27 9 5

Authors Note:

First of all, I wanna say Happy Jungkook's Day! It's the golden maknae's bday today!

Next, this chapter is kinda short. I'm not really sure what else to add to this so yeah.


Caro's POV:

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Caro's POV:

I finish cleaning the last bedroom and I'm out of breath. Who knew cleaning 4 bedrooms was gonna be tiring. Maybe I should have taken Zoey's offer for help.

Finishing up the last pillow, I take one last look at the room before closing the door and heading back upstairs.

Henry was mopping the floors and I was about to step on the wet spot. "Wait! Go that way! Don't step on the floor there!" He yells while pointing to the floor.

"Okay! Jeez, woman, you don't gotta get so angry about it!" I say as I walk to the area that's not wet.

He glares at me as I walk say from him. I glare back, not wanting to lose to him.

Walking to the kitchen, I see Zoey writing some stuff down. Must be the grocery list. Henry and I can't exactly go grocery shopping without her since she's the one who does most of the cooking anyway. So she needs to choose the stuff herself.

Another reason why is because she often gets tired of eating certain foods all the time, so it's not like we can keep getting the stuff we got last time. She wants to get whatever she craves or whatever she looks at that seems good. Hopefully, that makes sense. She likes the get the stuff that she can cook with, and she's pretty picky about brands and stuff too. Also, she has bad memory so writing stuff down doesn't always help, she tends to forget to write things down. She needs to visually see it on the shelves to remember that she needs it.

Grabbing a cup from the dishwasher, I peek over her shoulder to see what she's writing, I already know but ill as anyways. "Are you making the grocery list?" There seems to already be a bunch of stuff on the list. Makes sense since we have nothing left in the fridge and pantry.

"Yep, I got pretty much everything in here." She says as she continues to write.

I remember something that we need to get. "Okay, and make sure to get some butter! Last time Henry forgot it!" I say, making sure Henry heard what I said.

"I was in a hurry okay!" He yells back.

"Yeah, whatever!" I say as I go to get some water.

Last time Henry forgot to get butter from the store even though that was the only thing he was supposed to get. He came back with a bunch of random snacks instead. I was so angry at him that time, like how do you forget that?! He had one job and he couldn't even do it properly. Now I can't send him to the grocery store by himself.

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