Chapter 2

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Thank God the party was outdoors; otherwise, I would have swum in sweat. The air was very fresh for August, and the clouds were almost unexisting in the sky at that moment. It was just around 7 pm, so there was light coming from the sky. You can smell every flower as you are walking by the huge garden. It is obvious that someone takes good care of these flowers because they look very healthy and clean to the eye. These flowers have a variety of colours makes want to admire each flower for hours.

I wouldn't call it a normal party, but for me it was more like showing others that you are a 'rich person' party. Many people filled the empty spaces; thus, it makes it harder to walk around freely without the eyes looking at you. What worries me now, that I wouldn't be able to meet Adam today. There are about 200 people I guess, yeah not going to count them all. They all were wearing different artistic masks that makes it impossible to identify one's identity. Finally I found an empty table to stand at. I was very nervous because I was standing alone and knew no one and didn't know what to do now.

"Why would a pretty girl stand alone?" a male voice came from behind me.

I looked around and saw a young man standing looking at me... he was wearing a very light red suit with a black tie. I was not able to see his face very well, but I could tell that he was around 23 years old, therefore, he would be older than me. His face was hiding behind the mask. His black mask was covering approximately all of his face, and there were beautiful tiny feathers on the side of his mask making it very appealing to the eyes.

"Well what a happy day for me to see you in front of me." I was honestly very happy that I finally got to meet him. He did not look as much as I thought that he would look like, many people described him to be funny and kind. Let me tell you they were right! he is definitely funny and very good looking and seems like a charming person.

I held up my hand to shake his hands, "Anna, I assume you already knew."

He took my hands and instead of shaking it, he gave the back of my hand a light gentle kiss. I was very shocked as I was not expecting that. "Well, now I know, Anna!' He spoke. He was about to say something else when we got interrupted by a loud voice coming from a speaker.

"Hello everyone, it's lovely seeing all your faces again! Well, kind of." the place erupted with laughter. "Hope everyone is having a great time...." The person who was speaking was an old man in his 50s with white hair, and he was probably the only one who wasn't wearing a mask. I looked back to see that the man in the red suit aka Adam was not beside me anymore. I started to panic, what happened? where did he go? he isn't supposed to do anything without me knowing! I mean that would be impolite. I was not paying any attention to what this old man was speaking anymore and I was sinking deep in my thoughts alone.

"Hello!" I heard a voice calling, as I looked next to me I saw a different man was standing beside me. I was shocked and I stood there not saying any words. The guy started waving his hands back and forth in front of my eyes to get me out of my thoughts.

"Hello..." I said nervously.

"Don't be scared I wouldn't bite." He said as his face was forming a wide smile. "Adam by the way. And I think you are Anna am I right?" he said.

"Yesss." I said slowly. "Sorry that is me." I was trying to smile back. What the heck did I do? Who was that man that I was talking to in the red suit? I was very lost! "I am sorry, I am just a little confused. You are Adam, right?"

"Yes, young lady! Don't be nervous, everything will be alright. I heard a lot about you, well... let's not talk here about that." He lowered his voice and came closer to my ear. "I heard that you are stronger than me now!" He said as forming a surprising expression on his face. He did not let me respond as he said quickly, "I like your dress by the way."

At that moment, I was lost again in my thoughts. I didn't pay much attention to my dress until Adam complements it. It was a very light blue, like the color of our bright sky perfectly blending together with the dress. And my mask was not at all covering my face, in fact, you can see my face through the mask. It was the same color of my dress and it has a little gold on the sides.

"You should at least thank me or compliment my outfit back!" He said, laughing and as he rested one hand on the table in front of us. At that moment I realized that his suit was a very dark shape of red, and he was a few inched taller than me.

"Uh, sorry! I get lost in thoughts a lot. I like your mask." I spoke. I honestly never complimented a man in my life. Maybe because I never met someone that deserves a compliment from me.

He looks at me as if he is waiting for me to say something else. And then he said, "you do apologize a lot young lady. And I know my mask is a very good looking in fact just like its owner."

This time 'he' is just as people have described him to me, funny, charming. Also, they did not lie when they said that he was strong. And that was the moment that I finally met the man in the red suit aka, Adam.

-To be continued- 

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