And a Day...

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You sat comfortably despite the jostling of the school bus. The comfort came from Peter's left arm slung over your shoulders warmly. He held that hand open, palm-down so you could trace the lines on his palm mindlessly with your fingertips. He whispers something so utterly him about the coming field trip to MoMA and leaves his forehead on your temple as you giggle.

All was normal. Usually, life was hectic being with Peter. He had responsibilities, and you did your best to be his support system because you knew it took its toll on him. You always make sure to appreciate these moments, never knowing when they'll be ripped away by chaos. As if on cue, you feel his skin bristle under your touch. If you didn't know any better, you'd think it was just goosebumps. But, you did know better.

"Peter Benjamin Parker!" You groaned the name of your best friend into your phone as you sat with your feet dangling off of your fire escape. The cold wind flutters the skirt of your dress around your knees as you swing your feet. "You promised you would be here by now!"

Peter's voice cut you off from the other end of the line. "Ah, ah, ah!" He says urgently. "I specifically never promised that just in case I got held up!" He grunts and pants in between his words and you really wondered what the hell he was doing.

"Okay, yeah! You didn't use the 'p' word, but you strongly suggested that you would be here," you remind him as the level of your voice decreases with your anger. Your eyes close and you rest your head against the rail sadly.

"I'm sorry, y/n! But, there's this job-" his sentence abruptly cuts out before you hear a crashing sound. A minute or so later, he continues speaking more evenly. "You know I would be there if this wasn't important."

You scoff, frustrated tears beginning to brim in your eyes against the wind. "Wow," you breathe out. "What could be more important than my birthday? You're fifteen, you don't have a job! I'm not that stupid, Peter-"

"Woah, woah, woah!" He interrupts again. "Y/n...I would never, ever think you're stupid!"

As you blink, a couple of tears spill from your eyes and you quickly wipe them away with your other hand. "Well, you would have to in order for you to think that I would believe all your lame excuses for ditching me lately."

"Y/n, I'm sorry..." his voice cracks on the other end. "I-I can make it up to you. Just wait up for me. I'm on my-"

This time, it's you who cuts him off. "No, Peter. Don't even bother," you say with a trembling voice, "My birthday is already ruined." Breathing in a calming breath, you speak with more control in your voice. "Goodnight, Peter. I'll see you at school."

"No, no, no, no. Y/n, wait-" Peter stares at your contact picture on his phone. He really screwed up this time. But, how is he supposed to balance being the perfect best friend with his new duties as a superhero? Peter couldn't just tell you about it, either. Then, you'd always be in danger. He tucks his phone away safely before swinging back home on his webs.

After you hung up the phone, you went back inside to the party that your mom had worked so hard to throw for you. You tried to perk up for the remainder of it; Peter had already missed cake, presents, and the ceremonial game of Just Dance.

You sit at the kitchen island, sipping some soda as you watch Michelle and Ned facing off, his hat barely staying on his head. Not too long later, it's time for everyone to go home. It is a school night after all. You stand at the door, bidding everyone goodbye before helping your mom clean up the mess.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," she calls as you head to your room. "And happy birthday!" You thank her before closing the door and changing into your pajamas.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now