Feel the Fire

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Request: Anon: Song based request: Diana by One Direction to Barry Allen or Peter Parker?
Would you write a soulmate au? I feel like that would go with the song Diana. Like, you can feel how your soulmate feels and know what they're thinking. "Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes. You been lonely, you don't even know me, but, I can feel you crying" (if you need more detail still just let me know, I'll think more in depth!)

As you walked down the hallway to your last class of the day, you couldn't help but notice the dozens of couples leaning against lockers. You rolled your eyes. You've always thought that relationships were overrated. And in this world they were also pointless.

Like, they were literally pointless to start unless you're 18. No one knows why, but when you turn 18 you can feel the emotions of your soulmate. You could feel anything from fear, anger, and jealousy to sadness, joy, and love. As long as your soulmate was feeling it deeply, you would feel it too.

So, most of these couples have just turned 18 and found their soulmates. The catch was that you have to make skin on skin contact with your soulmate to activate the feelings. It baffled you how easily they all ran into their soulmates. It was almost like everyone's soulmate was never more than 30 minutes away.

The soulmate thing didn't stop you from having fun, though. You dated around until they eventually realized that you weren't theirs. Your 18th birthday wasn't for a couple of months and it was driving you nuts. In all honesty, you didn't want a soulmate. It was scary thinking about someone you just met knowing everything you're feeling.

That's why you were dating Jackson. He's your age but he dropped out his junior year. He turns 18 in one month, so he'll know before you whether or not you two were soulmates. More than likely you won't be. But, neither of you cared because both of you disliked the idea.

He wasn't exactly the kind of guy your mom wanted you to be dating. But, she didn't argue much because she was convinced that once you turned 18 you'd want to be with your soulmate. Well, she was wrong. You knew he was trouble, but that's the kind of thing you wanted right now.

Jackson has been arrested a couple of times for petty theft, underage drinking and other shit like that. Sure, your 'relationship' wasn't that deep. You didn't talk about deep stuff and you didn't say the 'L' word. The relationship mainly consisted of sex and getting high or drunk. You weren't sure why, but you didn't want to feel things a lot of the time. And Jackson makes all the feelings go away.

Thoughts filled your mind and distracted you on your cold walk to the subway. It was pretty packed full so you had to stand and hold the vertical pole because you were too short to reach the one above. Your headphones played music that filled your heart with delicate butterflies. The doors were just about to close when a body quickly slipped through.

You barely glanced at them as you let your mind wander to pass the time. Next to you, the boy had to stand very close to you with how packed it was. He made sure to give you your space because he knows how much he hates people in his space. His eyes couldn't help but continue to glance over at you.

He's seen you before on the subway. But, he never saw you talk or smile. And he didn't recognize you from school so he figured you must go to another one. He smiled to himself as his Spidey powers picked up the faint drums coming from your headphones. You happened to glance over and found hazelnut eyes watching you.

"Can I help you?" You ask flatly as you took out an earpiece.

His eyes widened at being caught and he couldn't think of anything to say. "Uh...I'm P-Peter. You don't go to Midtown, do you?"

You furrowed your brows wondering why this boy was looking at you and speaking to you. "No. Sorry," you answered before moving to turn your music back on.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now