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                       »-(¯'·.·'¯)-> Daje vu who? <-(¯'·.·'¯)-«

Part 2 (skip if you want not really important)

It was the science fair today, Couch helps me bring it in thanks to it being a giant box. My science fair project seems all too familiar to me.

"Now Y/n I know your still not use to the science fair -" my uncle says I quickly cut him off.

"It's fine uncle judge me like you'd judge anyone else" I quickly say

"You so noble, it reminds me of myself when- " you were younger."

"Took the words right out of my mouth! I'll see you later kid." Uncle says patting my back and leaves me to it. Soon enough everyone came in with volcanoes just like my dream.

Just like in my dream, Aja and krel came in carrying a box, krel looked like he was slightly struggling I walked up to them.

"Hey, guys! What up?

"Hey, Y/n the roof is up," Aja says I chuckle at her.

"It seems like i'm not going crazy thought you said something different." She says this catches my attention.

"Dream? Did you dream of this?" I ask her nods.

"Same! I'm kinda glad I wasn't the only one. Though it's probably daj Vu! But I hope that monster doesn't come through.

"I know right! What was that thing?" She asks.

"I don't know maybe we had a joint dream, you may know," I say I look over to krel catching him starring he looks away.

"Oh gosh sorry I was ignoring you krel, I got too caught up in the conversation! Anyway, what's your project?" I ask him, looking at it and chuckle Aja and krel seemed nervous and chuckled nervously when I said that.

"Oh, it's just a device to see all over the universe nothing special haha," Krel says leaning against the table.

"This also happened, dreams are weird anyway wanna see mine, it'll blow your socks off!" I say

"Umm, I would like to keep my socks on, " krel says I chuckle

"It's an expression, as in it'll surprise you," I explain I grab the teens hand and drag them to my area.

"This better not be a volcano," Krel says I laugh.

"No honestly though! Why is everyone doing them? There are so many more interesting things like this!" I say showing them my project they look at it confused.

"A box?" Krel asks me, confused.

"Of course not hey go in and see for yourself," I say opening the door, krel hesitate.

"Come on little brother, trust me you'll be surprised by it!" Aja says pushing her brother in the box, Aja comes to my side.

"Alright, get ready to see cinematic history. I'm going to watch the wall behind you!" I say turned the hole,  in there and waved, Aja started dancing. I chuckled and joined her. After a while, I turned it off and opened the door for krel the exit

"That was pretty good, what is it though?" He asks me to look around the box

"Cinematic history, how we came up with film and movies. It's just projecting what I was doing on the other side." I explain to him, he places a hand on his chin nodding of approval

"This is quite good considering the simple mechanisms used," Krel says.

"Thank you, I just get B's though better than last year, how about we make a bet. Whoever wins the science fair has to do whatever asks of them." I say putting my hand out.

Krel scoffs and chuckles taking my hand and shaking it.

"Whatever you say, I've got this in the bag." He says I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you say hot sauce," I say flicking my hair and walking away, from them to look at others. As I do I bump into someone.

"Sorry, again." He looks at me weirdly I walk around and soon come back to mine. Soon mary and darcy came over again.

"Hey what's up?" she asks me she then notices the box.

"what's that?" she asks me taking a photo of it I chuckled opening the door.

"Wanna find out?"

"sure!" darcy says and pulls mary in I flip the switch and I hear loud of oow's and aahs, they get out and smile just like in my dream.

"that was amazing honestly I wouldn't be surprised if you won!" Darcy says.

"Why thank you, I only wanna though to win a bet I made," I explain to them.

"Oh with how?" mary asks taking a photo of me, they lean in wanting to hear more.

"just with krel, whoever loses has to do what the winner says," I explain she chuckles kinda like Santa.

"what are you gonna do when you win?" darcy asks.

"Tell you later," I say she nods.

"okay you better I want the tea." mary says playing on her phone.

"sure thing sis," I say they laugh and walk away it was
"ready to see you won?" I ask krel coming up to him. As he sits down in his chair Ms and couch came i was praying what happened in my dream didn't happen.

"please I got this in the bag!" he says I roll my eyes and playfully push him slightly leaning against the table that he sits at.

"and the winner is Steve with his unique, uh, traffic cone volcano."

"WHAT?!" Krel shouts I facepalm and roll my eyes, as steve gets the blue ribbon.

"How could I possibly be drafted he's an Oath!" krel shouts standing up.
"Come on it's just a traffic cone!" I shout as well, I suddenly felt eyes on me and turn my head only to see krel staring at me. he blushes and looks away clearing his throat.

"I guess we can call it even on that bet," I say he nods and I sigh.

"dam i was really feeling like pizza as well!" I say he pushes me lightly and I chuckle when suddenly something felt off. my chest burning again but it was hotter than before i quickly pull it out of my chest it was a darker red now.

"are you okay?" he asks me looking at me unsure of what to do.

"I'll be fine-" I was suddenly cut off by a loud rowed and landed on the ground crushing Mary and Dacy's project. It's just like the dream I look to krel.

"Krel move!" I shout but he was just staring at the monster.

"What is that?" he yells, the thing was about to attack and hurt us it was aiming for kerls project and he was still at the table.

"KREL!" I shout again and run to him pushing him out of the way fast enough, but almost too fast. I instead of falling on him i fall to the side and quickly get up and run to the side.

"Why is this happening again!" i yell, I look to see Aja and the boy i bumped into.

"wait you seen this before?" the boy asks me I nod, and look at the monster.

"yes i thought it was a dream!" i say suddenly the monster is about to attack when a portal above it opens and a boy comes out. a blinding light comes our way, my necklace floughts again showing off a bright pink light.

I woke up in bed, Again what the fuck is going on? What's that monster?! why does it keep happening! What's going on who's that boy and Aja? why me!

Hey, thanks for reading another chapter the timeline may not look right but meh, anyway part' 2 come out tomorrow or the next day after so don't worry it's coming to have a nice day!

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