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  »-(¯'·.·'¯)->  Makeover and My number <-(¯'·.·'¯)-«

Here I stand in front of Krel and Aja's house, okay so. Aja asked me to get her ready for her date, which I am excited about because i get to play dress-up with my friend! I don't have girlfriends so this was very existing!

"Welcome to our home, it is very normal as mother says," Aja says I chuckle.

"yes, the very, very interesting design did you live near the desert?" I ask them, they didn't answer and just opened the door, a ball of fluff comes running out.

"Lung!" krel shouts annoyed, Luug circles me and then sits in front of me and barks, I chuckle and kneel down to him.

"sorry about Luug, he doesn't normally act like this," Aja says, I giggle and put my hand out for him to sniff, he looks at it, and then I go to pet him and he barks happily.

"no problem, though i love cats, I love dogs as well," I explain to them, Luug suddenly jumps on me, putting me on the ground, and licks my face.

"Lung!" Aja says and picks him up, i laugh and stand back up dusting myself off.

"He normally not like this, strange," Krel says patting his dog, I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. we entire there house it was quite nice and very modern.

"wow your house is nice, i like the style," I say walking in and looking around.

"why hello there." A sudden rusty voice says I jump back in shock placing a hand on my heart. i turn only to see an old man, he was pale ad white hair with a walking stick.

"Hey, wow you startled me quite a bit," I say and chuckle.

"Varvatos, this is my friend Y/n from school. she is here to help me get ready for my date- i mean group thing."  Aja says I push her slightly and we giggle.

"it's a pleasure meeting you Varvatos? you must be Aja and krels Grandpa?" I ask him.

"yes, i am their greaser, now what are your intentions with the princelings?!" He shouts.

"princeling, sorry have no clue what your saying mate. Anyway, Aja where's your room?" I ask turning to her.

"oh yeah follow me," she says and takes me to her room, we get there and it was quite cool a desk some chairs double bed, I quickly go to sit in the spinny chair while she falls on her bed.

"so you didn't tell them about your date with steve~" I tease, Aja quickly thoughts a pillow at me. we chuckle.

"Okay, what do i do to get ready for this date?" Aja says sitting up.

"well, your gonna have to wear something comfortable,"

"can i just wear this then?" Aja asks pointing to the outfit she's wearing.

"okay wanna do make-up?" I ask rolling over to her in the chair.

"what's make-up?" she asks me.

"well in simpler terms it makes your face smooth and cover's up marks on your face. however makeup can do many other things, it's an art after all! but we'll only do simple things for now how about it?" I ask her she looks in though with a hesitant look.

"i guess we can give make-up a try," she says I smile happily and pull out all the makeup supplies I brought from home. I then put a hairband on Aja pushing back her hair.

"What is this?"

"Just something to push back your hair so it's not in your face, Your gonna have to stay still okay. if you feel weird just tell me anything hurts just tell me." I say, she nods and I start to do her makeup, i grab her hand pulling up her sleeve and put many foundations on until i found one that matched her pale skin, i then proceed to do foundation.

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