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They had made it. All the resources, all the deaths, all the sacrifices had lead up to this moment. The Autobots travelled through the depths of space to reach their destination. To complete their mission. Not only that but they entered the dead universe, the world of the dead, and escaped.... but at a heavy cost. But they had to keep going. After exiting the dead universe they had arrived outside the atmosphere of a planet made of water, molten and rock held together by the planets natural gravity. It's core was burning hot due to the fact it was made of molten lava. It's core wasn't alive but the planet was made of life. Just by looking at it was beautiful. How could something with no source of giving off life be filled with so much of it. It was a marvellous discovery. The Allspark was said to be located on the planet which may explain the amount of life the planet's signature was giving off but the life was organic not Cybertronian. The life of the planet was around a long time before the Allspark crashed landed on it. Unsure as to say how long life was on the planet but it didn't matter. They weren't here for site seeing. They were here to find the Allspark.

Before they could set a course for the planet they were interrupted by the Decepticons. They had boarded the Ark and fought to steal the Matrix of leadership from Optimus Prime. Meagtron saw to that. He had overthrown Optimus and stole the Matrix from him. Bumblebee tried to stop him but Megatron overthrew him aswell. Not only did the Decepticons find the Autobots but the Bounty hunter known as Dubledealer decided to try and blow up both factions. It was later revealed that Dubledealer was under the control of the Quintesson known as Deseus. After Wheeljack boarded the Nemesis he layed down suppressing fire on Deseus, rupturing the ship's engine, causing it to explode. The explosion from Dubledealer's ship, or was his, took a big impact to both the Ark and the Nemesis, causing them to lose altitude and to start to burn up on entry to the unknown planet, the Ark was the first one to start burning up.

Optimus Prime: Wheeljack, shields!

Wheeljack: They're not responding!

Ironhide: Engines are still down, there's no way to slow down on entry!

The Ark was barely holding up, especially after existing the dead universe which after doing so scanned a whole lot of data form it. No one knows how but they know that it's currently corrupting and overfeeding Tellatran one's circuitry. The Ark's armour was holding up but within a few seconds it will tear off and the fire will burn up everything inside and outside the ship.

Wheeljack: We're about to exit the atmosphere, hang on!

Bumblebee: What do you think we've been doing?!

The burning started to quickly fade but their was still no stopping or softening their landing. The fire faded and the clearing revealed nothing but white, with glimpse of what seemed to be some sort of mish mash between green and brown and various other colours. Their were in the clouds.

Bumblebee: Uhhhh, where's...anything?

The clouds cleared and revealed the ground, trees covering it's entire exterior. Optimus's eyes widen as he sees they are about to impact on the planets rough surface.

Optimus: Brace for impact!

The Ark crashes into the ground and scrapes against it as chunks of mud start to pour over the Ark's front interior, covering the Autobots vision. Even on the inside they could hear trees break off the ground and against the Ark as the branches rustle. The Ark then comes to a stop with a sudden and big crash into a hard surface, this shakes off everyone's balance and they all collapse to the ground. Even some of the Ark's interior breaks off, mostly the parts surrounding the roof.

Optimus opens his eyes and looks to his right to see Bumblebee, with his face flat on the ground. He reaches over to him and gently shakes his shoulder. He wakes up with a groan and faces Optimus.

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