Operation: Interrogation

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⚠️ Trigger Warning: depictions of torture include burning and shocking that may or may not trigger you. If this type of thing does, for whatever reason, make you feel uncomfortable, skip from everything after the line, "Then we'll bring the maximuls to us."

Actually you might as well stop reading, cause after that is the torture scene, which is the rest of the story.

It's probably not as bad as I'm making it out to be, cuase as of now this is like about pg-13. But you never know. Different people have different types of emotional trauma. And that's not a joke.


Tigatron paced around the deck, anxiously gritting through his denta, "We can't just stand around and do nothing! For all we know Airrazor is in the hands of not just the Predacons but also the Decepticons."

"Whoa easy, pal! Have a little faith. I'm sure Airrazor will be fine," Rattrap spoke, attempting to calm down his friend's nerves. Who in turn only continued another lap around the ship. Far away enough to not hear Rattrap whisper, "I hope."

Offside to the two Maximuls, Bumblebee sits in the command chair with his servos pressed against his faceplate. He attempted a comm.check with Ratchet but the medic didn't answer. Most likely busy with the procedure. He knew that already. He just couldn't stop worrying.

Ya gotta relax Bee.

The sound of peds clanking against the metal alloy floor grabs his attention and he rises from his seat to see Ratchet. Standing in the corridor motioning him to come over with a wave of the servo.

"How's Prime doing?" Bee asked the medic, who gave the ex–scavenger a holo–board detailing their leader's condition. 

"He's stable but needs time to fully reboot his energon coolant. Megatron must've punctured it before the crash."

"Before he stole the Matrix..."

Bumblebee tightened his free servo as he went over the readings. There was indeed a punctuation in the Prime's midsection. A leakage of Energon that went on for almost a full cycle.

"Megatron has the Matrix, Ratchet. I saw the fragger hightail back to his ship with it in his twisted claws and now... I can't help but think of what I could've done to prevent it."

He let's the board drop to his side as he grimaces back to the sight of seeing Prime on the ground as Megatron stands victorious over his weak frame. Bee takes aim at the tyrant's helm but Megatron charges his way through the blasts and knocks the Autobot to the side.

A servo touches his shoulder joint, grounding him back in reality, and he stares up to meet Ratchet's sympathetic tone.

"There's nothing you could've done. Only your best. We'll get the Matrix back. No matter what."

The Autobot nods with gratitude at the medic's supportive gesture. Who adds onto it with a pat on the shoulder. "Speaking on other matters. How are things with our... New visitors?"

"Well until just five clicks ago they were fairly tame. Now one of them, the white spotted one, is pacing around the deck. Looks to me like there's something going on that's got the group itching for a fight."

The medic, now curious to the info, peeks over Bee to see the "visitor" in question pace around the deck for the 8th time now. "I see. Wheeljack?"

Hearing his name, the Autobot scientist lifts his helm from underneath a console he was currently repairing. "Give us the sit-rep," the medic spoke.

Wheeljack in turn, wrapped up his process and walked over to the main terminal before pressing a few buttons, a growing dull hew emitting from it.

"With what little power we have left, we were able to boost our scanners to at least a 50 nano-mile radius," he explained as a differing holographic map displayed itself around the bots in the room. "According to this, the Decepticons ship crash landed about only 30 miles off from where we did. Just West of the Ark," the Decepticon ship, highlighted in purple, was shown to be in shambles. Which then shrank as the map expanded to show the distance between the Ark and the Nemesis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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