The Present Future

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The Nemesis falls down furiously to the planet full of green and blue as it cast a flames, burning its exterior. Inside, Megatron grasps the Matrix in one servo with the other one grasping the back of his command chair, desperately trying not to fall from the ship's capsized posture. The rest can be said for the rest of his crew. Starscream especially. "We're going down! We need to evacuate!" "No!" Megatron denies Starscream. "Shields! Get me shields!" He continues to yell over the buzzing alarm informing them of there already obvious conundrum. They can all feel their destination getting closer with every cycle of every milicycle they hold on for dear primus. It's just a shame their crashing down facing the wrong way. It's not until does everything go black do they realise they had made it. Or at least Megatron does.

Megatron knows it. They made it to the planet where the last refuge is. Where the Allspark is ment to be. But why does he feel so restraint? He wants to get up but he can't. Instead he feel like he's floating. Floating in space. He hears a voice. A strange yet familiar voice. An uncanny one at that. Along with another familiar voice he has heard before and engaged in conversation with. Galvatron.

Megatron awakings from his manual system reboot process. He pulls himself off the ground and stares at his surroundings. Dust filled the atmosphere as the whirring of a certain object in Megatron's hands began to take his attention with a bright glow. The warlord grins to himself.

 The warlord grins to himself

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"The Matrix."



Primal mearly stood his ground, weary of the optics all trained on him. He let out a exaggerated sigh as he stated, "You heard me." Prime stared at the bot. "My future ancestor." Primal's nods in confirmation. "Exactly." Optimus motioned for Ratchet to ease with the repairs on his side as he felt a bit uneasy from them. "The journey that we have traveled, the destinations we have come across. It has informed me of what has and what is yet to come." He points towards Primal. "You were apart of my vision." Primal was unsure of what this vision he was speaking of was but it must've held of some great importance to their mission. He still couldn't believe it was him. Was it actually him? Optimus Prime? There's so much he wants to tell him, so much he wants to ask him, but how could he? If Prime was aware of any future events it would cuase an imbalance in the chain of events leading to their own time, as well to the current timeline's condition aswell. But then again, weren't they already changing events by being in the same facilities as them. Was this part of the set chain of events in time?

 It's not until someone speaks up is Primal knocked out his minds cape. "Bigbot?" Primal turns his attention to the yellow predator, now in his bot form. "You alright?" Primal shakes his helm. "I'm fine, Cheator." He replied with a comforting smile. "Is it actually him? Optimus Prime? Not... you know who?" Cheator asked with the most interest. "I'm not entirely sure yet. But I am to believe it is," Primal answered with the up-most confidence. There's no way they followed them back in time. Primal made sure of that.

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