chapter 9

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Your small fingers grasps the half open door, trying to open it so that you can successfully sneak out. Your fingers tightly wrap around the wooden edge of the door, giving your best in pulling it open. You let out a frustrating whine when you couldn't move the door, not even a slight jerk. Soon your frustrated whines converts into cries of help, wanting someone to help you pull this door apart.

"Tsk, can't you shut up" an annoyed growl perked through your ears, your crying stopped when your eyes caught the tall man glaring at you as if you are the most disgusting thing on the earth.

Your lips curves into a wide smile, impatiently tapping on the door, asking for help with your actions. Jimin raises his eyebrows as his eyes squints at you, confused by your sudden changes of moods from whining to happiness when your eyes met with him.

Do you perhaps like him?

His mind teleports into his web full of thoughts. After few seconds he looks down to you who is peeking from the small line of view.

"Sorry to say but I hate you" he scowls at you and crosses his arms arrogantly.

You stared at him unbothered, not understanding any of his words. After few seconds you began to tap on the door trying to convey him that you wanted this big rectangular standing wooden box out of your way. Jimin's scowl remains still as he stayed glued to his position. You began to cry out after witnessing him not helping you.

Jimin's eyes widen as he let out a chuckle of disbelief.

"Huh? So your gonna cry to make me like you? What a stupid child" he threw his hands up as if you did the most ridiculous thing.

Your cries of help increased further which irritates him.

"Shut up ugly thing! Don't expect me to like you just because of you-"


Mina rushed towards you and pushed  the half open door, she immediately lifts you up in her arms and hushes you to stop crying.

Your wailing stopped as soon as you were out of the room. Your teary eyes beams at Mina, big smile covering your face.

"So you wanted to move out huh" Mina smiles after realising the reason behind your cries.

Jimin's ears caught Mina's words and scoffed in disbelief, so you wanted some help from him that's why you were wailing out and not because he rejected you. He couldn't help but smack himself for thinking like that. Its not as if he was bothered by it but something pangs his heart. Why is he mad for nothing?

Jimin stands near them like a dust of air as Mina and you ignore him completely. 

Finally, Mina turns around and catches Jimin standing beside her. She immediately brings you closer to her, afraid that Jimin might do something to you.

"Why are you here?" She glares at him, tightening her grip around you.

"Nothing luna" Jimin bows at her and walks away.

"Don't worry sweetcheeks, I won't let him do anything to you" she softy squeezes your chubby cheeks which results in few giggles from you.


Mina crawls beside your tiny form, helping you in learning things and playing with you. Suddenly one of the pack member calls for her.

"Luna, Alpha is asking for you"

"Can't you see that I'm with a child" she asks, coldness covering her voice, making her look like some strict teacher.

"B-but it's an important matter Luna" the poor boy stammers with fear.

Mina sighs out and gets up from the floor.


The maid arrives in the hallroom.

"Yes Luna"

"Take care of y/n, I will be back soon" Lina nods her head at her Luna's strict words.


Lina places you on the small baby chair and goes into the kitchen to bring the porridge which specifically prepared for you, considering your age and your toothless mouth.

Lina places the porridge on the table, she takes a spoon full of porridge and brings it you.

"Ah" she says widening her mouth, you also follow her action and widen your mouth, she carefully feeds you. You gulp the thick fluid and stare at her fondly, hoping to get more of this food.

She smiles as she feeds you slowly, spoon by spoon.

Soon she finishes the bowl and gets up, she leaves to the kitchen to do the dishes.

You slowly slide off from the chair and land on the floor softy, you sneaky crawl away through the half open door.

Your eyes met with wide open room,you let out few cheerful giggles as you crawled towards it.

You slyly enter inside the room and had a brief look at your surroundings,  you noticed the familiar person sitting on the chair, taking a short sleep, whom you met few moments ago.

You let a loud giggle which woke up the peacefully sleeping person, your excitement was clearly visible in your eyes as the smile widens from ear to ear.

You excitedly crawled towards him and grabbed hold of his right leg.

Jimin snapped open his eyes and looked below, he noticed you clinging onto his right leg like a little kola. His eyes raged with furry.

"Get away from me!!" He yelled furiously as he immediately kicked you away from his leg. You landed on the hard floor due to immerse force of the kick which was aimed at your abdomen. You cried in pain due to his hateful kick against you.

Jimin stood up from his chair, he moved backwards as his face morphs into a horrified expression.

Did he just kick a little child?

He himself couldn't believe what he just did.

Your non stop cries echoed the entire house, Mina and few of the house maid rushes into Jimin's room after hearing your cries, she darts into the room only to witness the sobbing little infant.

She darts towards you and picks you up in her arms, she murmurs sweet words to you but in return your wailing increase further. She gives a death glare towards Jimin before walking out of the room.

"What did I just do?"


I hate jimin more here because he hit a little baby 🥺.

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