chapter 10

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Jungkook walks into your room which he himself arranged it with so much excitement and happiness, he remembers placing different types of toys, and decorating your room with various stickers, photos and bells.

He hands touch the thick line of the crib, deeply gazing at the cushion, his eyes creates an illusion of you still being alive, giggling and rolling on the crib as your focus stays on the crushed teddy bear which he lovingly brought for you. Still, an illusion is just an illusion, it can't change into reality, he gulps the lump from his throat as his grip around the iron surface edge tightens, his beautiful baby mate, he wants you, he wanted to have you in his arms as you cuddle in his chest, he misses you deeply.

A drop of tear falls into the soft cushion as it adsorbs the salty drop. His eyes damp with tears, he falls onto the floor clenching his eyes tightly as he sobs uncontrollably, his mind has completely shattered, he is just a body of few bones and flesh as his soul has completely left him.

"My baby mate" he wails out desperately.

"I want her, please I want my baby mate back to me" he cries like an abandoned little child who lost his mother.

"Ahh, please I'll do anything but give my baby mate back to me," he desperately wails, hoping that you would magically appear in front of him, his nonstop cries and his wailing echo throughout the small room.


Jimin's head snapped to the side as the sting of pain blooms on his cheeks, the slap was indeed painful, he rubs his bruised cheek as he looks down in shame.

"You dared to hit a child!! fuck it, 5 months infant!!" Yoongi yells at Jimin, after receiving the news from his mate, Mina.

Jimin remains silent.

Yoongi rubs his temple in frustration, he knew Jimin disliked the child but that doesn't give him any right to harm her. Yoongi couldn't believe that his most trusted and loyal beta had the guts to harm a little child.

"You're grounded for a week! Don't ever appear in front of me or y/n" he snarls before dashing out of his isolated room.

Jimin stays glued to his position as he shows no signs of movement, both his mind and body have frozen completely. He knew whatever Yoongi spat was true, he couldn't believe what kind of monster he has become. He took his anger out on an innocent child.

He slowly walks to the open window, the sunlight falls on his pale face as he stares through the wide-open window. His eyes stops at the little baby who is busy playing with the butterfly that is flying with few centimetres above her head.

His eyes softened at the sight of yours, suddenly, guilt rushes into his body for mistreating you. He shifts his head away and closes the curtains of his window. He doesn't need any light in his dark world, he prefers to stay and rot in thus darkness inside him.


After a week of isolation in his room, Jimin finally opens his door and makes his way to the outside world. He has decided to prove himself to be a trustworthy man in front of yoongi again, he wants to the old Jimin who wouldn't harm any innocent people for his selfish reason.

As he walks into the hallway he notices something hiding behind the a flower vase, he silently makes his way towards it, not creating any sound, instantly he pulls away from the vase, his eyes widens when his eyes are caught with your tiny body.

"Why do u keep sneaking out of your room?" Jimin raises his eyebrows at you.

When your (e/c) orbs meets his gaze you immediately back off and crawled away from him, afraid that he might hit you again.

Jimin places the vase down as he stares at your frightened body hurriedly moving away from him.

Suddenly Jenni's words crash into his mind. The conversation he had with Jenni when she was talking about you.

"My baby girl is such a good child you know, whenever she meets a new person she always carries a beautiful smile on her face, she rarely gets scared of anyone but if she feels threatened by someone then that means what the person had done to her is really horrible. In short he actually is bad person"

Her each words strikes his head like a bundle on knifes. You were scared of him and it proves that he is a terrible person.

He slowly walks ahead following your pathway, he enters inside the living room and looks around in an attempt to find you.

His eyes stops at your small figure sitting on the floor as you are biting the newly brought teddy bear.

He bends down next to you and places his palms on your head, rubbing it smoothly, your eyes snap at him and immediately fear covers your face. Small whines left your mouth as you tried to move away from him.

Jimin immediately parts his hands away from you, his eyes softens as a perk of sadness coats his face. You are scared of him and he couldn't do anything, Jenni requested him to protect her child but he failed. He failed to maintain your happy face. He down in guilt as he bends further down on the floor.

"I'm s-sorry please don't be scared of me, I'm so sorry" he sobs.

You slowly look at him with hesitant, you took slow and steady steps towards him.

"Boo" you suddenly said which is immediately caught by Jimin. He looks up to you as the tears glisten his eyes which is tempting flow down on his already tear stained cheek.

"B-Boo" he also repeated after you, confused by your sudden words.

"Boo" you murmured again, moving towards him. Your inner instincts says that he is no longer a danger. You laid your head on his lap and flashed him a small smile.

"Boo" you blinked at him as your smile remains still.

Jimin's lips curves into a smile, finally after a long time he could feel the happiness of joy. The joy of brightness which crawls over him when he sees your bright eyes. He couldn't define them.

He slowly wraps his hands around your tiny waist and lifts you up to him.

"Well I'll call you boo then," he says.


Finally, boo is back 😏💜

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