chapter 14

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"Boo smile," Jimin says, widening his smile trying to get your focus on the camera. You bobbed back and forth, completely ignoring his words. Jimin flashes the camera in front of you to click a proper photo but it seems to be an impossible task as your head moves like a minutes hand of the clock.

"Boo, look here" Jimin stands in front of you, trying to get your focus, when your moving eyeballs meet his, a beautiful smile crossed your lips.

Jimin takes this opportunity and clicks the photo of you smiling widely.

"Done" he says with relief. Jimin picks you up and places you in the crib.

"I'll see you soon boo," he says, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.


"So what's with the sudden visit" Jungkook arrogantly crosses his legs as if he doesn't care about the higher officials present in front of him.

The men seems to be taken back by his domineering attitude but they maintained their cold posture.

"Okay Mr Jeon, we are here under the orders of the king," The right man sitting before him speaks up. Jungkook seems to be unbothered as his facial expression twists into annoyance.

"What's the special news about me that I have caught the attention of that king towards me," he deep stares at the two men who looks baffled by his rude words towards their king. Jungkook rolls his eyes clearly showing his dislike towards the current topic. The right man of the higher council member clears his throat before continuing his words.

"We received a complaint from the Min pack stating that their Luna is missing"

"And what does it have to do with me"

"They have a witness and every single suspicion points towards you, we are here in that regard"

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"And we also have another news for you"

Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh.

The right man scrolls through his phone and extends his right arm towards him.

Jungkook's lazy eyes slowly looks at the screen, as if he has no interest in it. In a second of flash his annoyed expression gets washed by a wave of shock. His heart stops pauses for a second when his widened eyes stares at the screen, his mouth paralyses completely not being able to utter a word from his view.

His baby mate, his baby mate is smiling widely which is clicked correctly showcasing your perfect face.

Suddenly, Jungkook snatches the phone from his hand and gapes at it. Thoroughly, checking for any injuries and analysing the truth of this photo.

His eyes become glossy with unknown fresh tears as a small smile plasters his face. Tears of happiness and joy, his baby mate was alive, healthy and happy.

"How did you get this?" he asks after his long silence.

"We can't relive anything to you Mr Jeon, and if you're curious visit our higher council and try to the correct the mistakes which you have committed," The man says before making their way out of his house.

Jungkook stays glued to his couch, eyebrows furrowed, lips parted, his glossy eyes which threaten to let the tears fall, his fingers loosely enclasped together, sinking into his ocean full of emotions.

His baby mate was alive and he couldn't grasp a single idea of it, he blindly believed his eyes which witnessed some loose coverings of the incident.

His state of mind is mixed with happiness and sorrow. He lifts himself up from the couch and makes his way towards the basement.

His hard fingers pulls open the door and stamps inside the basement room.

Jungkook's raven orbs look up and meets Taehyung's.

"Why why did you do it" he asks in a low growl which is enough to indicate his burning rage.

Taehyung squint's his eyes, confused by his sudden unexpected question.

Sana crawls back and hugs herself, fearing that Jungkook might do something to her.

"I didn't do anything, I only did what I found was rig-" Jungkook hardly smacks his hand across Taehyung's bruised face sending him sideways.

Jungkook shifts his dark eyes towards sana, he marches towards her and grabs a bunch of her hair, pulling it back harshly. A painful hiss left her lips as she struggles to withdraw from his hard hold on her hair.

"Consider yourself lucky bitch" Jungkook growls in her ears and roughly yanks off his hands from her.

"Throw her out, and make sure to release that Min pack bitch too" Jungkook orders his pack members who obediently follows his immediate command.

Taehyung's eyes widen with disbelief when his ears perks up to Jungkook's words. Did Jungkook just release his prisoners? Why? He was not the man of mercy then why did he step back from his cruel ways.


Yoongi walks back and forth as his gaze secretly gazes at the door knobe, hoping for it to open up and reveal his lovely mate. His breathing quickened as he impatiently stamps his foot across the living room. Jimin stays glued to his couch, waiting for the good news.

Suddenly, the door opens up swiftly grabbing the attention of Jimin and Yoongi. Mina walks through the door and brings her glossy gaze to Yoongi. Yoongi runs to his mate and hugs her delicately, Mina cries onto his shoulder as she sinks into his embrace.

"I missed you Yoongi so much" she wails out desperately, gripping his back.

"Me too love" Yoongi says, sniffing her scent and feeling bee warmth into him.

Jimin smiles at the heart warming sight, finally his luna is back safe and secure.

Jimin slowly exits the place giving a space of reunion of the couple. His wandering eyes stops at your tiny figure smiling at the two elder people. Jimin chuckles as he makes his way go you and lifts you up to him.

"Boo lets go to your room and play okay" he says, flashing his toothy smile. You gurgle at his words, babbling something for your own baby language. Jimin chuckles at your attempts to talk. He slowly walks to your room to feed you and to make you sleep. After all you have to face another big disaster awaiting for you.


"Where is my baby mate!" Jungkook growls as his eyes pierce through the back of the man standing in front of him.

"Good work Jungkook," a sly smirk curves up to the man's lips as he shifts face to the angered male.

"I asked you where is my mate Kim seokjin" Jungkook spits out in anger as his eyes further burns with furry at his mocking attitude.

"Relax, you will meet her soon" The man named Jin smiled before walking towards Jungkook.

"Guards bring the child"

A bubbly squeal and bubble of giggles echoed through the room, the sweet enticing scent captures his attention which drills through his broken heart, his eyes soft lands on the small baby who is the hands of another male.

His baby mate. His lovely little mate was alive and she is right in front of him.

"My baby mate," he whimpered.


Sorry for the late update, my exams are arriving and I need to concentrate on that.

Thanks for reading 💜

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