I love You

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Jayden POV

I started to put a lot of pills in my mouth and then I grabbed the Hennessey bottle and started drinking that. After I ran out of Hennessey I went back to the kitchen and grabbed some liquor
And started to chug that down. I then got frustrated and threw the bottle on the floor and glass was every where. I knocked every thing off the counter and then I went to the living room and knocked down the shelves. I went upstairs and into the bedroom the first thing I saw was a picture of me and Augustina  together kissing and I grabbed it and threw it against the wall. My head started to hurt and I tried to walk over to the bed to lay down but I didn't make it because the last thing I remember before passing out was falling to the floor.

Augutina Pov

I was at Jayden house because I left something there and was just coming back to get it. When I unlocked the door the first thing I saw was the shelve on the floor. I walked in and locked the door and I was really shocked at what I saw. Has I walked towards the kitchen I saw a hole in the wall and I knew Jayden had been punching the wall when I walked into the kitchen there was glass all on the floor.

"Jayden!" I yelled but I didn't get a answer.

"Jayden are you here?!" I said and my voice was all you could hear it was so silent.

I began walking up the stairs when I approached the bedroom I saw Jayden laying on the floor life less I also saw a picture of me and Jayden together but the glass was all crack like it had been thrown. I ran by his side and saw his breathing was faint. He was sweating hard and his pulse was barely there.

"Jayden!" I screamed.

Jayden POV

I could hear people rushing me into a room and somebody yelling my name it was such a familiar voice it was so soft and beautiful but you could hear the pain and hurt in their voice. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't I wanted to see this person I tried again and this time I was allowed to see the person but not for long because I passed out again.

"Jayden!!!" Was all I heard.

"Jayden!!" The person screamed in their voice was so much fear like they were scared of something.

Augustina POV

I was sitting right next to Jayden bed in the hospital. If I even saw a movement I would look at Jayden. Jayden has been in a coma for 2 days now and I been here waiting for him to wake up. I really love him and to see him like this I been really stressed i can't stand to see him die. When he wakes up I'm going to be happy but hella pissed off because it was an Overdose. I saw Jayden eyes move and I began to get excited and that's when his eyes opened.

"Jayden your awake." I said and helped him sit up.

"What happened." He said sounding confuse.

"You had a fucking Overdose!" I snapped at him.

Jayden POV

"Oh." I replied.

"What you mean oh?" Augustina asked with anger in her voice.


"How the fuck you get and overdose?"

"I took to many pills." I said looking around the room.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Sure as hell asking a lot of question."

"Tell me."

I sighed then rubbed the back of my neck "I tried to kill myself." I said.

"Why." She said and I could tell she was about to cry.

"Because I love you and I cant stand living without you." I said truthfully.

"Jayden that doesn't give you a reason to try and commit suicide." Augustina said.

"Augustina I love you but I don't want to live if you not in my life."

"Jayden I love you too and always will but you know what you done to me." She said and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Baby girl don't cry." I said then wiped the tear away with my finger.

"Jayden promise me you won't do this again." She said grabbing my hand.

"I promise." I said looking into her eyes.

Four Months Later

Augustina POV

"Janelle don't look back keep running." I yelled at Janelle has Janelle, Adrienne and me ran.

"Mommy I'm scared." Janelle said grabbing my hand.

"I know baby just keep running." I said trying to catch my breath.

I looked back and he was catching up with us. I grabbed Janelle and carried her and grabbed Adrienne hand and ran faster. I couldn't let him catch us I had to get him away from us. I didn't know where I was but I didn't care I was just trying to get away from him.


Who is Augustina running from? Why is she running from them? What happen? Do I you think it was right for jayden to try to kill him self? Hope you like this chapter!!!❤

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