~what FLAMES leads to~

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December 6, 2014
Time :- 9:50 am

"This is all stupidity ... hey! Stop it..."
Ajey jeered to Arpit who was scribbling some stupid shit (according to Ajey) in his rough notebook ...
"I know these are superstitions , but i can do it right, to pass my time in this boring English period ..."
"And also i want to clarify ... if you both are really siblings ... as you act one..."
Arpit said and smirked at him the most evil way ever possible.

"Shut up!"
"FLAMES doesn't count at all in reality ... and me and Chavvi has great bond of understanding. So we tease each other , that doesn't means that we are siblings."
Ajey whispered him out of irritation , as yelling at him in between the class may create problem.

"Whateve..." he said rolling off his eyes...

"By the way ... what's the result of that FLAMES...?"
Ajey said with some tinge of new born enthusiasm, forwarding his head to see the flames scribbled down on his notebook.

"Hey! Wasn't that some stupid shit according to you ... so why do you want to see Shit...."
Arpit interrupted holding that notebook and covering it in his chest.

"Why does it even matters...when i always get to see your shitty face ,
So i can tolerate little shit more right ...?"
He smirked at him.

"Ch*tiya" he blurted
"Attraction hai ...or kuch nhi..."

"Okkhh... Atleast utna toh hai..."
He huffed ...
And shifted his gaze towards Chavvi who was paying her attention to the green board...
Everytime he looked at her ... he felt relieved ... relieved of some inner feelings that were barge in him...
He was unaware about what that feelings were... maybe his desire for her ...or may be just infatuation ...

She was soft, too soft...A soft touch. Her hairs was soft, her voice was soft, her smile was soft.She was so soft, there was no resistance .Hard things sank into her,and if she made a real effort , out the other side. Then she didn't have to see them or hear them, or even touch them.

"Ahem...!" Archana ma'am coughed loudly to drive the attention of students towards her...

"So students ,your finals are approaching and i hope all of you are aware of the English syllabus ......
This time your exams are really important as it's results will be always marked on your life ..."
"I hope you are all taking it seriously and preparing for it." 
She announced, making everyone every one tense. Specifically Ajey.
For a person who opens a book only for dreaming, will obviously feel anxious about exams like Ajey.

The bell rang and she walked of the class, everyone went outside to do their respective chores as it was recess time.
Ajey was still sitting in his seat when Chavvi approached him.
"Hey ! Waadaaap?"
She  screamed enthusiastically as always (hyperactive girl  ಠ_ಠ)
but he just passed a sigh and stayed silent as he was not feeling well .
"You ignoring me ! Did i do something? U mad at me?" She blurted as she got confused with his silence ...
He huffed and said "no" as he understood that his silence won't work on her.
"So?" She pouted.
" uhh its nothing, just I m little tensed about exams and my career."

"I guess ... you know what you want to do and what you  like to do... you are just tensed about acceptance right , worried about what things will lead to... and i see , everything will be fine with time....
And i will advise you to take more time ... "
"Time is the only thing that god has given everyone equally ... and make use of it properly."
She ruffled his hairs and walked away

He realized that what she said was right , he needed more time, to be fully dedicated on his passion and experience a lot of things ...

December 28 ,2014
Time :- 1: 40 pm

" hey ! What was the answer of the last question?"
Chavvi asked  Ajey as they both were heading to the main gate after finishing their final exams.
It was the last day of exam and every one was very happy about their vacations.
"Uhh my answer was 43... " he said with little hesitation .
"What... i got 45 ..."
"Uhhh i want to be sure about my answers" she pouted.
He giggled at her , but that suddenly fall off as Chavvi said...
"Heyyy i did that question on your rough copy before ... remember! Give me that copy i will check it."
'Wha ...wa...what nooo!" He stammered as he realized that in that copy Flames was written ...
"Why!" She groaned.
"Uh...hh  ac......actually i didn't brought it today"  he lied ...
The way he lied her it didn't looked like a lie... but an excuse for not handing the copy...

"Common ! Don't lie ... i saw the notebook in your hand today ..."
She exclaimed out of annoyance ...and grabbed his bag ...
She opened his bag and took the copy,
As soon she started turning the pages of the notebook, his anxious - ness was barge in him...
It's the first time he felt his heart beating so fast...that he felt like it may explode at any second.
When she finally turned the last page where the flames was written ... she saw it and when she turned to Ajey he blabbered
"See Chavvi its all done by this stupid Arpit not me... i told him this is stupidity but still he did it as he knew that i used to love you...
I love you but i understand that we can't be more than friends so now i just think you as a good friend.
Thank you . Sorry ...bye ..." and he ran away ...
He didn't have the courage to face her anguish - ness so he better thought to ran away from the situation ...
On the other side , Chavvi stood still and saw him walking off ... she was trying to figure out what he just said as it was not less than a rap...
But when she realized , he just admitted that he loves her , she was happy beyond limits ...
Unfortunately ...she didn't got the chance to reply him ,because of his nervousness ... as he didn't even waited for her reply...

She went back home , and in the whole way she was unable to control her smile, she was smiling unknowingly the rest of the day...
Which made Chaitanya demented.


So so so sorry! For the late update ...and this time have no excuse as i was feeling lazy to write. This chapter ...! Really took 2 weeks to be completed not because it has good writing ... no... not at all its an average short chapter ... it took that much time because i was procrastinating ... literally i had written 1-2 line a day only ... and I'm so sorry.

Well i hope you aren't that much disappointed with me for this chapter ... and if think that this chapter deserves vote please do vote and comment.
Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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