Chapter 10 (Skyla's POV)

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I felt like someone had dropped a huge boulder on me, which might've been the case since the whole cave was coming down. We have to get out of here, unless we want our tombs to be in an isolated cave in the middle of ice. I heard shouts around me, but couldn't really understand the words. It was like I was in the middle of the ocean, water muffling every sound. 
"I CAN'T MOVE," a female voice shouted as I started regaining my senses. 

As I got up, swaying a bit and first, I noticed there was a huge black hole on the ground.
Then I realized it wasn't a hole, it was the figure in black. He was lying flat on the cave floor, not moving. Did that mean I actually won the fight? I thought so, because if I hadn't, I would be the one in his place right now. 

"Skyla, care to help us," Selina asked as she struggled to move.
I had no other thought but to get out of the cave as rocks kept tumbling around us, small and first but growing bigger by the second. By the time I had healed everyone, including myself, rocks half the size of me were tumbling down. I looked over to where the black clad figure was lying, but there was no one. He must've escaped when we were busy getting our bearings! Another opportunity lost.
"If we don't get out, we're going to be crushed," Melody said in alarm.
"It's fine. I just need two of you to help me carry Cyrus out of here and the rest can get out," I replied, knowing we were wasting every precious moment talking. 
"There is no way I will leave without you," Selina interjected, planting her feet firmly. 
"Then stay. You and Nolan will help me get him out," I answered her.
The others shook their heads, indicating they weren't leaving either. The rocks were starting to block the exit, making it look like an obstacle course. I sighed loudly, no point in arguing if they weren't going to do it. Nolan, Selina, and I made our way to where Cyrus was lying. Several rocks had dropped on him, thankfully none too huge. He was so pale now he could've easily hidden in the snow outside. We were about to pick him up when he started moving. Actually, it was more like writhing. I didn't know if this was a good or bad sign, especially since it was accompanied by a lot of moaning and grunting. We really needed some expert to check on him, which means we need to get out of here fast. I motioned for Selina and Nolan to pick him up as I did so too. Once we picked him up, we all made our way out of the cave, dodging rocks and jumping over boulders with complete ease, which didn't surprise me given all of us were agile and Cyrus was as light as a feather. I could've carried him alone if I needed to. Finally, once we were out in the open, freezing air, we all collapsed on the floor, glad we were still alive. 

"Now what should we do," Astra asked.
"I can teleport us out of here," Nolan said as he rubbed his hands together.
"Don't we all need to be conscious for that," Melody inquired, her eyes darting to Cyrus.
"It isn't a necessity. As long as none of us are heavily injures, it should be fine. You healed him, right Skyla," Nolan asked, looking at me.
I bit my bottom lip, truth is, I only managed to partially heal him. I didn't tell anyone about that, but now that our next move depended on it....
"Not completely," I replied shortly
"What do you mean by that," Selina question.
"The arrow was too strong, too much energy put into it," I replied truthfully.
"It isn't your fault. Itzel lied and manipulated you. So what is it we're doing now," Selina comforted me.
"If one of you can gather enough energy to shield him and yourself, we can teleport," Nolan informed, raising our hopes up.
"I'll do it," I volunteered, after all I've done it seemed like the right thing.
"You sure? Aren't you tired from all of...this," Melody asked worryingly.
"I can handle it," I guaranteed.
"If you say so," Nolan said, and I could tell he only agreed because we were all tired.
"Where are we going anyway? You can't go back to Itzel," Selina said.
"Any place other than here," one of the girls with Selina answered.
"Are there any special marking about the place we are going," Nolan asked.
"It's near The Great Volcano," another girl supplied.
"I do have faint knowledge of that," Nolan confirmed, though he seemed a little uneasy.
"Then The Great Volcano it is," I said as I stood up.
The world spun around me a little, and I felt someone's hands steadying me as I wobbled.

"Are you sure you can handle this? If you can't, we can find a shelter and get moving when you are better," Nolan asked in concern.
"I'm fine," I answered quickly.
The faces of everyone around me were scrunched with concern, but there was no way we were backing up now. Who knows when we were going to find another cave? We could freeze to death before we even find one.
"Can we please get going," I asked exasperatedly.
All of them shrugged and we held hands as Nolan furrowed his brows in concentration.
I hoped form all my heart that this would work, because I didn't think I could take any more of this. I closed my eyes and felt the coldness that often accompanied teleporting. 
When I opened them again, I found myself staring at the base of the largest volcano I've ever seen. 

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