KrBk..Kingdom AU..OmegaVerse

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OmegaVerse + Kingdom AU
Ejiro Kirishima, an alpha king, he rules over his own kingdom. It is a very peaceful kingdom, though every kingdom needs a guard team. Katsuki Bakugo, an omega, head of Kirishima's royal guard, his personal guard which means he is around him at all times. The other members of the guard team refer to Katsuki as 'The King's Lap Dog' and Kirishima calls him 'Puppy' or 'Pup' to annoy him. Though, Katsuki doesn't mind that bad, he honestly believes that he found feelings for the alpha male, but he makes himself ignore it because the king is supposed to marry an alpha woman. One day Ejiro hosts a ball, his parents forcing him to pick a suitor to marry. During this ball at one point the king takes a dance with Katsuki then afterwards leads him away to somewhere secluded. Ejiro gives Katsuki a spiked collar, to go along with the nickname of 'Puppy or 'Pup' that he had been given him. Ejiro secretly marks Bakugo, though is forced to marry and "mark" another. This causes Bakugo great pain, anytime that his mate shows affection to the alpha woman that he is forced to try and mark, Bakugo's mark starts to sting and hurt, causing terrible pain. And that pain is only worse the more intimate that the affection is. Katsuki starts to think that Kirishima doesn't love him anymore because he is always feeling pain, but it is just because the alpha woman is head over heals for him. Katsuki starts to shut himself off..

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