Playing Doctor

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A blonde man, a ravenette man, and a a pink haired woman all stand together in a group.

"Fifty bucks on me hitting those bushes over there." The ravenette grins, glancing over at the other two who snicker and nod.

The ravenette pulls back on his golf club, his driver to be exact, and with a loud Phswoosh! The teed up golf ball goes sailing forwards.

The men all marvel as the white golfball slowly disappears and-

America, 08/08/21...        100 years ago...


A brown haired woman sleepily swats at a fly and mumbles as the soft song of 'my blue heaven' soothingly dances and swims through the air.

The woman grumbled in annoyance as she misses the fly when it landed on her chubby cheeks.  Her eyes never opened, even when she did the sign of the cross after killing the creature.

She went back to peacefully resting after this.


A blonde and a ravenette stand over an operating table, both silent and looking at something.

A spiky haired ash blonde man and a spiky red haired man sat on either side of the table.  One man smiles gently to his feral lover while they playfully kick each other under the table.  

The feral ash blonde held a gaze of love and a small smirk played on his lips as he spoke about the daily activities like they were awful.  

His red haired lover just read a bible with a small giddy smile and a faint blush on his cheeks.


A green haired man stands in front of a purple haired man and the two lined up to catch a football.

The football rams straight into the smaller green man's chest causing the man to yelp.

He fell backwards with a cry and the purple haired man behind him falls backwards just as the green haired man does.  Both land on their asses with a loud, "ouch!"


The ravenette and blonde stood over an operating table and the ravenette struggles before a cork goes flying in the air and bubbly foam pours all over.  The blonde grins and grabs two glasses and helps the ravenette pour the wine into the bottles.


The ravenette man lines up his shot and then smacks the ball, once again.

It goes flying.

The other two watch in amusement but flinch as there is an explosion in response to the golfball hitting a landmine.

The ravenette shouts, "FORE!"


The green haired man looks up while pointing to the sky and then shouts, "Here they come!"

The purple haired man looks at him quizzically, "I don't hear nothin'...?"

The green haired man waves the man off, "wait for it."

True to his words, a helicopter comes around the hills in the horizons.  

"Attention, all personnel.  Report immediately to admitting ward and operating room.  Attention, all personnel.  Report immediately to admitting ward and operating room." The voice on the speakers spoke clearly and sullenly.  Things were dropped, kissing was stopped, people went silent.

Everyone looks up towards the hills and then they all rush up the hill, running as fast as their legs could carry them.

The first one up there was the blonde and ravenette wearing Hawaiian shirts and trousers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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