4.1 | Draconian

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Reads : 9.49M reads, still counting
Votes : 391K votes, still counting
Parts/Chapters : 51 parts.
Status : Completed.

Author : hepburnettes


Draco Malfoy is Voldemort's head Death-Eater, and Hermione Granger holds the key to his redemption. Together, they have to find a way to end the war in a world governed by draconian laws.

Copyright © 2015 by Noelle N.

All Rights Reserved.

Points : 80points
To be honest, I have not finished this story 100%, it's seems out of place to not complete a story yet write a review on it.
This story is just so intriguing that I had to write on it. For a fiction, and even more a fan fiction, it seems so realistic, hats off to the writer. The story just illustrates the deep sentiments of the characters and doesn't make it over the top. The writing of the setting is very vivid, which makes it nicer.
I am sorry I can't really talk about the Resolution and Climax of the story cause I haven't finished it. But what I read when I scanned through the last two chapters is really good.
Overall, I urge anyone that stumbles across this book to read it if you haven't already considering the number of reads.

September 1, 2021 edit: Finally, I finished this book yesterday and I stand on my point that it is a must read. It definitely would have made my ultimate favorite if it had bonus chapters that shows there lives through the years, but overall its a must read. And I am definitely going to reread it, especially if it is updated with bonus chapters.
I really thank the Author for writing such interesting and amazing book.

Thanks for taking your time to read this. I promise to update on my final thoughts when I read the book completely.

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