[23] Demetri's Soul Mate

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(Scarlett's POV)

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(Scarlett's POV)

            "Well I guess we're off now too," Benjamin said with a smile.

            "Thank you for your help." Edward said and they left.

            "What happened in the clearing?" I asked once everyone was gone.

            "We talked and that's it." Edward replied with a smile and walked off to Bella and Nessie.

            "How are you?" Jasper asked from behind me and I jumped in surprise.

            "Fine why do you ask?" he raised an eyebrow and I sighed.

            "I guess I can't lie to you." I muttered and he chuckled.

            "Nope." He said, "but really how are you?"

            "I don't know anymore." I admitted and he nodded.

"Well if you ever need to talk I'm here." He said and walked away to say goodbye to Peter and Charlotte. I walked back into the house only to notice I had a missed call. I went to my room and listened to my voicemail.

"Hay girl its Lil," my friend from college said in her usual cheery voice, "me and the others are in Seattle and know that your twenty first is on Friday. We have plans to go dancing and drinking on Saturday and since you're legal now we'd like you to join us. Text me!" I smiled. Partying does sound like fun right now. Especially after everything I've been through.

'Count me in.' I texted her and she sent me the club name.

'Also we are staying at the hotel a couple blocks away,' she texted, 'make sure you book a room so you aren't driving.'

I smiled and called the hotel to make reservations. I was able to get a floor on the same floor that all my friends were on. Today is Thursday so I can check into the hotel Saturday morning and just do some shopping until the evening.

"Aw," Alice said walking into my room, "I was hoping you could spend your birthday here." I smiled at her and packed an overnight bag.

"We can still celebrate." I said and her eyes glowed as she ran out. I shouldn't have said anything...

Alice threw a big party for me. I flopped down onto my bed exhausted from all the shopping she took me on. Then right when we got home, the Cullens and wolves threw a surprise party which ended at midnight. Alice got me a lot of cloths while the others got me books, jewelry, and gift cards. I didn't want to see another present again thanks to Alice. I yawned and jumped a little when a knock came at my door.

"Yes?" I said and Jasper walked in.

"There was another present for you in the mail," he said, "but I hid it from the others."

Demetri's Soul Mate Where stories live. Discover now