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Summary: After becoming a well loved Agent on Teresa Lisbon's CBI team, you face a new (exciting) challenge when Patrick Jane, shows up sporadically at the office...

Warnings: None.

A/N: Sooooo we got past the 100th Episode special for the Mentalist and seeing Jane before he was in deep with the CBI, like, on his VERY first case was so weird! He seemed so sad and lost! But dude, the hair!!! *drools* yeah I was vibing with Jane's hair. It was messy and he wasn't dressed all nice like usual...so weird but kinda hot. Anyways, here's the One-Shot that episode inspired. Comment if you want a part two, I'm planning on one but sometimes other ideas side track me. Also...the gif above is so hot...how can this man make eating a BROWNIE HOT?!


Three months into working with the CBI, you were steadily earning trust and respect of those in your unit and those not. Virgil Minelli, the Director, personally bought you coffee to thank you for your efficiency and considerate spirit, as well as the way you cooperated given any situation, high stress or calm. Even your boss - Teresa Lisbon - who you got along with immediately, invited you into her office to express her gratitude. Again, it'd only been three months, but you were Lisbon's first female teammate and by the looks of it, one of her only real friends. You were there to help whenever a case became too much and she was stressed. She gave you stability, you gave her hope. Together, you eased each other's burdens and ended up confiding in each other.

That was just in three months.

Three more and you were getting even more compliments, rewards, and now, a closer relationship with Agents Rigsby and Cho.

Rigsby felt like a brother. A tall brother. He towered over you and loved to tease you about it. He could be a dork, but you liked that about him. He was a gentle giant, through and through.

Cho? Sometimes he remind-ed you of a boy you once knew in school. He had a dry, deadpan sense of humor that never failed to get you laughing. For all the 'serious guy' stuff he pulled, he couldn't help but crack a smile when you were laughing and it remains one of your greatest gifts.

Well, nine months into working with the CBI brings something very unexpected.

Not triple the compliments, nor any more congratulations or thanks.


You get a consultant.

Well, that's getting ahead of yourself. The guy started out a wreck, waltzing into the CBI looking like Hell and carrying a 'homeless vibe' as Lisbon pointed out very clearly. You saw him come in. He was tall, but not nearly as disproportionate as Rigsby. This guy...he was wearing semi tight fitting jeans, a loose, pinstripe dress shirt that had seen better days, and the most ruffled head of curls you've ever laid eyes on. All in all, he looked terrible.

...but at the same time....kinda hot.

What the HELL am I thinking? You reprimanded yourself. This guy had only just set foot in the CBI offices and already you were checking him out?

As he wandered into Lisbon's unit's section of the offices, you rose from your seat and hurried over to him.

"Hi," You flashed him your warmest smile.


Oh how your heart ached looking into those grey blue eyes. They were smudged with sorrow. The grey, thick and blotchy like the clouds left after a raging storm, melded with the blue. It was a soft blue, gentle, intelligent and captivating. It reminded you of old tears. Speaking of tears, the man's face looked like one who'd seen many tears. He'd spent a long time crying. But, by the way his face sagged and his everything hung loose and careless, you knew he was done with crying. This man, whoever he was, was ready to do something with himself. Why come to the CBI then? You weren't sure, but you sure as Hell were going to get to the bottom of it.

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