Carny Girl

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Summary: When a there's a murder involved with the Carny, your the first to get the help of an old time friend who you haven't seen in many years...

Warnings: Talk of loved ones passing away, murder, and descriptions of a bloody corpse? It's not super graphic, I wouldn't worry.

A/N: Dude, this One-Shot took a LONG time to write but I wanted it to be just as I imagined it. I was hit with the idea of being a girl who grew up with Jane in the Carny and fell in love, only to have him leave with Angela and she moved on but always liked him bc how could you not?! I dreamed up most of most of my One-Shots...and now it's finally written! I'm really proud of it so I hope y'all enjoy! Also...WE FINISHED THE MENTALIST! AGHHHHH! 

SpOiLEr TiMe! Guys! When Vega died I kid you not I SOBBED! How could they take away my badass Latina chica?! And poor Cho and Wylie who FINALLY asked her out like - WHAT?! I wanted to murder Bruno Heller honestly. But THEN Jane asked Lisbon to marry him and they got married and Cho helped her find a dress, lol. And the wedding was perfect and then Lisbon tells Jane she's pregnant and OMG THE HAPPINESS IN JANE'S EYES! I cried again. Mostly because the show's over...*sigh* alas, at least we have Fanfiction right? Well, that was a long rant, sorry. My other friends haven't finished the show so we can't talk about it. Ok, onto the One-Shot!


A mother has a sixth sense, or so your mother told you when you were a kid. She always claimed to know the rhythm of your heart or the burdens of your soul from a single glance or touch. Whether you were in trouble or perfectly healthy and happy, she knew. It's a gift she promised you'd have when you found a man and started having kids. You loved your mother, and you believed every word of what she said, all the more now that you do have your own baby. Little Charlie. He's got the same brown eyes as his dad, soft and round, big as saucers on his chubby little face. His hair, on the other hand, is growing out around his ears in long, thick strands of (y/c/h). Charlie is the cutest little guy you've ever seen and you love him to bits.

You give him twice the affection of a normal mother.

You kinda have to, to make up for what his father can't.

The two of you are inseparable. You'd like for Charlie to be independent, but he's only four, and how are you supposed to say no to those puppy eyes every night he climbs in bed with you?

So every morning the first thing you see is your son's face an inch from your own.

As you come out of a deep sleep and yawn, you reach up to brush away the hair that always finds its way across Charlie's face during the night, but your fingers meet the pillow. It's cold. Panic sparks and you sit up, heart racing, anxiously looking about the trailer for your boy.

"Charlie?" You call out.


Oh God -

You rip back the covers and drop onto the floor, sprinting for the door. Maybe he just found his way outside? The Barsocky's are usually up this time of day, getting ready for shows and such. If you're lucky, Charlie's just tottered off towards their trailer where Samantha is guaranteed to have scooped him up and made him some pancakes. Oh gosh you hope so.

"Charlie?" You yell, louder now.

He's not in the trailer and not by the door.

The door is open.

It's shut but not properly latched which means someone's opened it.

You push the door outward, met by searing sunlight that glares off the sandy trailer lot. As you shade your eyes and stumble out of your trailer, something in the center of the circle catches your eye -

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