Ch III: Conversations And Rematches

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(Three Weeks Later)

You were getting really close to your goal of beating The Champion Iris. You'd become extraordinarily strong and your pokemon learned new moves too. Leavanny learned Leaf Blade And X-Scissor while Vanilluxe learned Mirror Coat. Krookodile and Chandelure learned Earthquake, Flamethrower and Shadow Ball this giving you serious confidence and drive helped you wipe the floor with Skyla, Drayden, and Marlon Allowing you to get all the badges you needed bringing you to a grand total of nine badges.

However that was not all that happened, you had called Yancy several times and the two of you had become good friends. She even once teased that she might fall for you which sounded amazing but you knew she was only joking so you paid it no mind.

You were headed to the league to win the tournament so that you could challenge the elite four once again. Once you got to the Pokemon Center you informed Nurse Joy that you were registering for the league so that you could have a rematch against the Elite Four. She then told you something shocking "Um ... I'm very sorry but if you've previously won the Unova League you can have rematches any time you want" she explained.

"... Huh?" You asked feeling like you'd just wasted the last three months. "Yes ... You don't actually need to compete" she reiterated. You facepalmed so hard that you gave yourself a nosebleed and proceeded to walk outside and scream "WHAT AN IDIOT I AM!!!" feeling completely ridiculous. Just then you received a call from Yancy and raced to pick it up. You were quickly growing attached to her with every conversation you had.

When you answered she sounded excited "Turns out I'll be free for summer vacation starting tomorrow (Y/N)! Isn't that great?!" She practically shouted into the other end. "Yeah totally! I also have a ... Question for you" you hesitated thinking with your better judgement wasn't good enough anymore. "Yes? What is it?" She asked curiously before you suddenly blurted out "P-p-p-please go on a date with me when we meet up!" Without thinking. "Oh damn I've gone and done it now ... She'll say no definitely" you though.

A few seconds of silence ensued before you received an answer "I would be absolutely love to!" She squealed making you gasp in shock. "G-great! How about we go to lunch when we meet?" You suggest. "Sounds like a plan to me! And I know the perfect place too" she offered. "That'll be great ... By the way I guess I should ask what you look like so I know when I see you right?" You asked which caused what sounded like a fit of coughing from the other end. "Y-yeah I suppose ... I wear a big white sunhat so you'll be able to find me easily I think" She responded after the coughing stopped.

(Three Days Later)

Iris sat in a room alone when she received a call from her best friend Caitlin. "Yeah what's up" she asked after picking up. "Iris ... He's a monster ... That boy you beat so badly last time came back and he wiped the floor with all four of us ... You better take this seriously this time" Caitlin said with an extremely worried. "He ... What?" Iris asked horrified that Caitlin was done in so easily as she said, even worse it wasn't just her but instead it was all of the Elite Four. You walked into the room with Samurott and looked iris in the eyes without saying a word giving her goosebumps "Bring it" she said obviously unnerved.

(Time Skip)

"How ... But that's impossible!" Iris looked completely defeated, and that she was. "He defeated all her Pokemon ... Not a single one of his was defeated ... How?!" Grimsley questioned, obviously taken aback. "I won't act like an immature child and tell you that you were weak ... Because that's impossibly untrue you're not weak as a matter of fact you're incredibly strong ... So strong that you made it to the very top ... But I was simply stronger that's all" you told her coldly. However you still walked up to her along with Samurott and you both reached out a hand to her and her Hydreigon which had been easily defeated.

This gesture brought the girl to tears but she still took your hand and stood along with Hydreigon. "From this moment on ... You are the Champion Of the Unova Region ... But I swear I'll get stronger and beat you again!" She declared. "I'll be waiting then!" You said grinning putting out your fist for a fist bump. "No need for that ... We're friends aren't we?" Iris asked to which you looked surprised and asked "Yeah ... Why?" To which she grinned and threw her arms around you. "Friends hug!" She yelled "grrr" you heard Grimsley growl at this gesture, obviously jealous. "I'm leaving guys ... I have something to do" you announced hopping on Unfezant and calling Samurott back to his pokeball.

(Time Skip)

It was finally time for her break to start "Jeez ... Being an Idol is no easy job ... I just released my biggest album yet and then had to do so many Tours ... Can't a girl have a break in-between at least" Yancy complained as she stripped down naked in her dressing room. The frown disappeared when she thought about getting her X-Transceiver back soon. She was looking forward to this meet and greet more than any with some random fans of hers.

She meticulously spent hours picking a good outfit to meet (Y/N) in which looked good with her sunhat. She had ended up picking her usual off the job attire that she wore pretty much all the time whenever she wasn't dressed up as her other persona Nancy. A simple dress with a simple shirt and her sunhat with the ribbon on it, basically something that didn't stand out too much. Today was the day and she didn't want fans to recognize her during her date.

A/N: It's getting good now and soon we'll be meeting this cutie in person! I really hope my readers enjoy this chapter and the next one too! Anyways I better get going now!
Yuma - Out

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