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Finn didn't understand many things but he understood loss. He lost his father as a baby and felt it every day until Burt Hummel came into his life. Even Mr. Shue couldn't fill the gap like Burt could. Whenever he needed help with a problem, he went straight to the mechanic. So that was where he went now; to the garage.

Finn dropped Santana off at school with a bogus excuse of forgetting something at home after they returned from delivering the distraught Ellen to the hospital. He needed his dad.

Finn slammed the door to his truck and went into the side door. "Burt? Dad?"

Burt lifted his head from the hood of a Cadillac. "Finn? Why are you home so early? It's not the end of the day, is it?"

"No. Kurt hasn't called you?" Finn leaned against a wall, tiredly.

"No. Why? What's going on?" Burt returned to fixing on the beautiful old car.

"There was an accident at school." Finn cleared his throat. "At cheerleading practice."

Burt stopped moving. "Is your brother okay?"

Finn shook his head. "I don't think so. He's not showing it but I know he's hurting."

"Where is he?" Burt grabbed a rag to wipe his hands and mentally prepared himself for whatever could be wrong with his son. "Why aren't you at the hospital? Is he bad enough to be at one?"

Finn frowned until he realized how it sounded. "No, Kurt's not physically in pain. One of the girls-"

Burt took a breath before panicking again. "One of the girls?! Are they okay? Which one was it? Santana? Cedes?"

Finn shook his head. "Marcy."

It was Burt's turn to frown. "Marcy? What happened? Finn, sit down and start at the beginning." He pointed to a chair.

So that's what Finn did. He started at the beginning and told everything he knew. "I just left the hospital. I don't know if they got in touch with their older siblings or their parents but Puck came down for her. He didn't say anything."

"I can imagine." Burt rubbed his shoulder as he thought. "Go back to school and find your brother. You should be together. Once school is out, your mother and I will drive you up to the hospital."

"Where is she?"

"At the house, working. She said it was too loud here." Carole hadn't wanted to stop working when they got married so Burt had her help with the finances of the business and she'd proved quite capable. She usually worked out of an office at the garage but she sometimes complained about the noise and would go home to work. "I'll tell her. You go on back to school."

"Yes, sir." Finn wiped his face and stood.

"Stay strong." Burt stood as well.

"Yeah." Finn shook his head as if the feelings would fall from his ears. "Strong."

"You'll get through this. She'll be alright." Burt promised.

As Finn made his way back to school, he prayed again. This time he skipped Cheesus...

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