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Mercedes, though softer than her sisters, was still not known for crying. Well she was crying now. Marcy's accident affected more than just the green eyed girl. It affected everyone in her life. But especially Mercedes. Marcy was always there for her and protected her. She was more of a father than Marcus was and she honestly looked up to her little sister.

This was just bad all the way around.

Mercedes sat in a chair in the emergency waiting room after seeing Mike and cried her pretty brown eyes out before she pasted back on a somewhat happy face. She knew no one expected her to be happy at this time but she couldn't let anyone see her fall apart like this either. She was a Fabanges and that meant being perfect all the time. She honestly wished she'd been born into a different family at a time like this. Maybe then the parents would care that her sister was being operated on. Maybe then the parents would care about them at all.

Mercedes sniffed before finding a tissue to wipe her face. Then she went outside looking for her husband. Today was going to be a long day...

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