Hyung wait for me! Pt1

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A/n: I wrote this at 23:01 (11:01pm) listening to my sad playlist also dehydrate of my angst ima just write something to clench my thirst.

Not proof read!

3rd POV
Jungkook and his brother,jung-hyun are inseparable. However jung-hyung is a little older than jungkook which makes him ahead sometime. Than means it's no surprise to always here the words "hyung wait for me!" Leave jungkook's mouth.

The first time jungkook said those words was when he was 4 and his brother was 6. Jung-hyun was starting school and jungkook wasn't.

"Hyung wait for me!"

"I have to go but I'll be back wait for me!"

Those words "wait for me!" Is what kept them together. The promise to always be back. To wait as long as needed. Until they were back. It always worked even when jungkook went missing for 2 days. He came back when jung-hyun used his magic and kept saying "I'll wait for you" over and over again before bed. It was the magic words that they knew and shared.

So what happened when one day it didn't work?

Jungkook was now in the biggest boy band ever who just made the comeback dynamite. He was so excited but also busy so he missed a lot of phone calls but he always called back. Sometimes it would slip his mine but not all the time. It was kinda like auto pilot. Jungkook had a similar schedule ever since the comeback so he kinda just rolled with it.

1.wake up at 7:30am sharp
2.take a shower etc only 30 minutes top
3.eat breakfast at 8:10
4.go to practice at 8:20
5. Leave practice at 8:20pm
6.have the biggest dinner of your life
7.check for missing calls
8.take a shower at 9:30
9.write some lyrics
10.go to sleep at 10:30

That was his plan for the next 3 months it was easy once he got it down. No steps could be skipped because that would make the whole plan fall.

It was the next day he completed steps 1-4 but it kinda missed up at 5. Will you see practice was cut earlier than expected.

"Boys I'm sorry we can't practice my wife just had her child and I'm going to see her"

Was the note they saw on the door to the dance room.

The nodded but then was lost if what to do. More of jungkook was lost. He had a planned out schedule but the others didn't. They went with the wind while jungkook went with a note and pen. He didn't do any for the rest of the day. He tried to practice but he didn't have the energy. He didn't want to practice the wrong steps as well. He thought the best thing to do was check up on armys so that is what he did.
For hours straight all the way till his phone died he just looked at army's chats and messages. He when to bed with his phone in his hand skipping steps 7, 9,and 10.

The next day he woke up to a dead phone.

He cursed under his breath and charged his phone as he headed down stairs to eat breakfast with his members and head to practice with out his phone.

At home his phone was blowing up with messages and calls even emails of the sort.

After completing 1-6 he went to his room to check for calls and what he got was something far more.

Panicking he called the most recent number.
His mom

"Mom what's wrong why is everyone calling me?"

"Jungkook your brother-he-I-I'm sorry he"

"What his it Kim what happens to jung-hyun?"

"He got in a car crash heading to your dorm and is almost dead!"

His world, his friend, his brother, his number one fan and supporter was practically dead?


It was his 'loving' fathers voice

"I-I no no I can fix this"


Jungkook hangs up the phone and get on the ground to look up at the ceiling felling the hot tear drip to his ear. He repeated the words.

"I'll wait for you, I'll wait I promise"

His sobs being loud and his door not being locked aloud the members to come in his room frantically.

"What's wrong jungkook!?"

The sweet voice rang in his ears.

"Hyung.. will he wait for me?"

Jungkook said in a broken voice

"Who jungkook and what's wrong?"

The deep voice of namjoon rang back

"My number one fan of course"

A dry cracked laugh left his mouth as he continued

"My world, hyungs will he be back like he promised? Will-he-come to our comeback.. and sing with me on stage? Cheer me on like how he did.. during our debut. My other half is possibly gone.. is it my fault? My hyung my- my-mine! My hyung gone because of me?"

The world stopped for both jungkook and his members.

"Jungkook what happened to your hyung?" Asked yoongi in a steady voice

"He got in a bad car crash trying to come to my dorm because I wouldn't answer my calls... because of my stupid plan being ruined and kicking my off my fucking auto pilot head! I forgot about my calls!"

" it's gonna be ok alright I-we promise ok."

"Hyungs can you do something for me?"

"Sure anything"
Taehyungs voice rang

"When we were little saying the words "I'll be back" or "wait for me" or even "I'll wait for you"brought the other half back so"

Before he finished jimin did it for him

"You want use to say some right?"

Jungkook nodded and together they spent the night saying "I'll wait for you jung-hyung"

".....Wait....for me jungkookie...I'll be back."

Words: 1000

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