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2 hours ago
Mrs Elf's pov 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊

I am sitting peacefully pressed against my window. Watching the rain droplets fall slowly, just like how all my hope was draining out of me. For years I have been captivated by the Wise Old Elf, with his snowy beard and pointed nose, he was all I desired. I thought I could get him easily, with my strawberry blonde hair slipping right past my shoulders and my visible curves, I was a man's dream.

Everything was going well until she came. The raven haired witch that looked like she came out of a donkeys arse. I despised her, I had never seen The Wise Old Elf so infatuated with something that was not a book. But I knew all of her devious secrets. She put a spell on my love, she cursed him to think that she was the one for him. I was not going to let her get away with it.

I was knocked out of my daze when I heard a loud bang on the door. I lazily walked my way towards the door to only be met with my worst rival.

"Why do you look like you put nine boxes of blush on your face?" I enquired sweetly looking at her tomato coloured face.

" Oh shut up you!" She screamed while sweeping past me to reach for the stairs.

I scoff and make my way towards her.

" Hey you witch, we don't like your disgusting magic infiltrating our house, hand me your wand or you won't be able to enter," I said, excited to see her face fall when she realises I cracked her master plan.

Instead I am greeted with her face scrunching up with confusion.

"I'm not going to use my magic here you dingbat!" She exclaims at me.

"Oh please we are all done with your lies. Hand it over." I say with a stern voice.

She massages her sinuses as if she is having a headache.

"Fine whatever I'm not going to be here long anyways," She says as she throws her wand towards me in an unladylike manner.

My frown turns into a wicked smile. There's no way she's going to get The Wise Old Elf in her clutches now. I slowly follow her up to The Wise Old Elf's office door. Wait, why is she still going there? She can't use her magic now. I shake my thoughts away and get ready to eavesdrop.

I soon her clattering of objects and shouting, I pat myself in the back. My plan is working. I lean my head against the door relaxing my once tense muscles with delight. Suddenly the shouting stops. I hear panting and sighs of delight. No this can't be happening. I press my ears against the door to confirm my doubts. I feel the world crashing all around me as my wildest nightmare is coming true. I start shaking uncontrollably with sobs forcing their way out of my throat.

I can't handle hearing this anymore, I pick myself up and run to my room. I'm not giving up, not when I have put so much thought and effort into this already. I just need to plan something bigger. Something that will scare Nanny Plum away and force The Wise Old Elf to be with me.

I think I have just the idea.

Hey guys! You're welcome for the quick update ;)
I can't believe it, we are number 18 on #wise out of 900+ stories!
Thank you guys so much and things are only going to get more interesting!

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