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Nanny Plum POV — ─ ー 〜 〰 ⁓ ∼

I groaned as the bright sunlight illuminated the room, I quickly took a glance at the clock on the bedside table. IT'S ALREADY 11!
I usually wake up at the crack of dawn but the warm body pressed against mine was beyond distracting.

I mentally process the events that occurred last night, I felt myself blush even thinking about it. Oh no, I'm acting like a silly schoolgirl with a crush.

I jerk as I hear I loud groan beside me, I watch his eyes flutter so ever slowly to get used to the light. I'm preventing making eye contact hopping he won't see the scarlet madness that overtook my face.

I was awaiting some sort of scream like "NANNY PLUM WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED,".

Instead he flashed me a lopsided smile, that's right, SMILE. Not even a grin or a smirk like his usual teenage boy ways. I gave him a small smile in return. WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO ME?

Not so comfortable silence filled the room, why was this so hard? Look at me not even being able to speak words.

"I'd like to talk about what happened last night," The man beside me with that ever so perfect morning voice.

"Oh" I squeaked like some deranged mice.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask dumbly, If I could take those words back I would.

"Don't play dumb with me Nanny Plum, you know what happened, and from what I remember you thoroughly enjoyed it," he exclaimed bluntly.

OK, this was too much, my whole body froze and I could barely process what he just said. How dare he! When can he ever be serious.

"Well, we both know it was a one time thing and a mistake, it'll never happen again," I say with strong force, I hated feeling this way. Weak, helpless, all because of a MAN. I refuse. We both knew that this was for the best.

I glance at him awaiting a reaction, now he seems to be at loss for words. But finally after seconds of torture he hesitantly nodded.
I felt my heart slightly drop. I knew it, he didn't even protest, good thing I said it, I didn't need to embarrass myself further.

"I should go, I'm late," I said softly with disappointment.

"Yeah you should," he said with no remorse.

His apathy felt like a knife to the heart. I couldn't stay here much longer, his scent filling my senses, infatuating me with something I could never have.

I get out of the bed and gather my belongings, walking out the door without even turning back to look him in the eye.

I make sure I'm not seen when leaving the tree, knowing that this was probably the last time I would walk in there. I walk out with a broken heart and mind.

He clouded my mind so much that I completely forgot about my most prized possession, my wand.

Hey everyone! So sorry for the wait. My updating schedules are quite irregular.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I just wanted to remind everyone that hate is not tolerated here, i would really appreciate if you don't hate on any of the characters. Excluding Mrs. Elf of course.
All the characters have reasoning for their actions that will be covered more in depth in the later chapters.
Thank you all for reading!

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