Storm Relief

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     Jordyn couldn't help but wonder what the Pogues were up to in the time she had helped clean up debris, checked on some of the animals, and started to make a list of the repairs that needed to be made. Amma had also given her a list of supplies to pick up for the workers who needed to stay here and keep working over the next several days. Her amma had been running around like a maniac since Jo had arrived, between the incoming calls about sea creatures injured in the storm and the still-recovering animals, things were not about to slow down. Jordyn was currently manning the front desk, fielding calls, and reorganizing the mess of files. "Jordyn, can you please make sure we get some extra batteries?" Amma yelled over her shoulder as she sped past the desk. Jo partly wished that she had blown off work and stayed with her friends. She was trying to find someone who could drive into town to pick up the groceries since her car was still not running. The buzzer went off signaling that someone was at the front entrance. "I've got it," Phoebe called, setting down the stack of files she was carrying on the desk, "Can you make sure these get filed?"

     Jordyn nodded, continuing her previous task, ignoring her incoming tension headache. Soft footsteps came padding towards the front desk. Jordyn expected to see Phoebe passing back by to collect some more paperwork, but instead, Sarah Cameron stood there with an overflowing box in her hands. The pair just stopped and stared at each other for a moment. "I-- uh-- I brought some relief supplies," Sarah spoke, breaking the silence.

     "Relief supplies?" Jo repeated, removing her eyes from Sarah's face to the box she held.

     "You know, like, some extra food, water, flashlights, lanterns, batteries..."

     "Oh, thank you. This actually saves us a trip to the store."

     "It's no problem really. I just figured you might need some reinforcements."

     "Hey, who was at the doors? Did you tell them that we are closed because of the storm?" Amma called, coming back into the main atrium. She looked up from her papers, stopping when she noticed Sarah, "Oh, who are you?"

     "I'm Sarah. Sarah Cameron. I-- uh," Sarah stumbled over her words, which was a bit unusual for the normally very confident girl. Why was she nervous? Amma was one of the nicest people in the entire world.

     "She brought some extra supplies for us," Jo finished, gesturing to the box that now sat on the counter.

     "That's great actually. Thank you. Are there batteries in there?"

     Sarah opened her mouth and then stopped, glancing over at Jordyn with a pleading look. "Yeah, she brought batteries," Jordyn covered for her again, giving Sarah a confused look.

      "Perfect! Jo, could you make sure all of this gets put away properly, please?" Amma asked, flipping through her papers.

      "Sure, I just need to file these first," Jordyn placed her hand on top of the stack of files Phoebe left for her.

      "Can you also do some quick checks on a few animals for me before that?"

     "Yeah. Which do you want me to do first? The--"

     "Put the supplies away, then check on the animals, and then do the filing if you have time," Amma spoke quickly, handing Jordyn the checklist for the animals. Amma ran her fingers through her hair tugging on it gently. She was stressed. Jo could feel it permeating the air around her.

     "I can do that. But I am supposed to leave in just a little bit," Jordyn explained, hoping to get approval before her amma was too distracted again.

     "Does Ms. Swan needs your help at the store?"

     "Ye-- yeah, she does. She just needs some assistance to get things back up and running," Jordyn lied through her teeth. Etta wouldn't open the shop up for another day or two, but her amma wouldn't leave the Marine Center for the next few days or at least until things were under control and Jordyn would be stranded here too if she didn't get out soon.

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