Chapter 3

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(a/n PA is slang for personal assistant)

Ella's POV

"Shit, shit, shit," I mumbled under my breath as I tore a brush through my damp hair. I let out a frustrated groan and threw it up into a high, half decent looking pony-tail. I checked my make up one last time and decided to dab on some red tinted lip gloss. It looked good with the form fitting, knee length white dress I had on accompanied with a black belt hugging my waist. I figured I might as well dress to impress for my first day of work.

I found myself chewing on the inside of my cheek not so much due to nerves but in anticipation to see someone in particular who had somehow managed to occupy my scattered thoughts most of the morning. But unfortunately for me, Harry was like a piece of priceless art. Not to be touched but admired and maybe even thought about every so often.

I jogged to the front door and put on some white heels while tugging my jacket on at the same time. I was never a morning person and delayed getting out of bed for as long as I could, usually resulting in my being late. No, I would not be late today. I was going to prove to Harry that he didn't make a mistake by hiring me.

"Bye Tazz. Wish me luck!" I called to the snoring dog behind my couch who didn't even open his eyes to look at me. Lucky bastard.

I locked the door behind me and ran down the hall to the elevator, the obnoxious sound of my heel clicking echoed through the hall. I got out the building while hiking my purse up my arm and got into my newly purchased vehicle. It was not in good shape and ugly as hell but it ran and it was cheap so it'd have to do. I started the engine which screamed in protest but, thankfully, settled into a not so gentle hum.

I followed the directions I'd got off of google to an impressive sized building with big letters on the side saying 'Greenwood Incorporated'. This was by far the biggest business I've ever worked for. I usually go for the small businesses that are more discreet.

Taking one last calming breath, I got out of the car and walked up to the daunting building before I changed my mind and went back to the warmth of my bed. The lobby was beautiful, brightly lit with a high ceiling and fancy chandelier.

The lady sitting at the large, wooden desk had a nice smile when I walked up to her, "Good morning. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to see Mr. Styles," I requested politely.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Not exactly. I'm his new PA," I told her.

She raised a skeptical perfectly plucked eyebrows at me but replied, "Floor 17."

"Thank you." I got into an elevator filled with people and rode it up to the floor I'd been told. The floor was second to the top and was as nice as the lobby. There was another receptionist sitting at a similar but smaller desk who looked up when I approached. A mixture of coffee and perfume invaded my senses as I stood before her.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to see Mr. Styles please," I politely requested again.

"Do you have an appointment?" Her name was Carla according to the name plate on the desk. I could see her eyeing me the way the other receptionist had in the lobby but I chose to overlook it. I don't like having bad relationships at work, it makes things so much more difficult.

"No but he's expecting me."

"What's your name?" Carla asked, rolling her chair over to the phone and looking at me expectantly.

"Ella Murphy." The name still felt weird to say but I kind of liked it. I hope I get to keep this one for a while.

"Morning, Mr.Styles," She spoke into the phone, "I have an Ella Murphy here to see you." She paused to listen before responding, "Yes sir." After hanging up, Carla told me I could go in. I thanked her quietly before making my way to the hall she pointed to and stood in front of the door with Harry's name on it in elegant script.

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