if you comE and telL me your sorry
i won't forgIve you becauZe what u did
mAkes me never Be seEn The same
you need to keep your moutH shut
for oncE in your LIfe
cauZe im tired of your constAnt lies
BenEath my Torn sHell is a sensitive Girl
who just can't take anything anymore
Oh, elizabeth
why did you have TO say that?
why did you HavE to caLL me anorExic?
now i have to LIe or elZe everyone will know
how would you feel if you were me?
i don't ever want to see you Again
seeing you Brings mE down
just THink about if you were me
elizabetH, ELizabeth, Please
everything has been done
elizabetH, ELizabeth, Please
you will never go back to one
I'm sorry I'm ugly, I'm sorry I'm fat
But I hate to get picked on like that
All my friends were there, people who didn't know
Now to everyone, everything shows
Written by: Abigale
Peace, Hope, Freedom
PoetrySongs I have written throughout my lifetime. It starts with the oldest and finally gets to my newer ones!