Chapter 20

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John reached over with his hand, touching a bubble floating over his head.

His fingers passed through it, the bubble feeling jelly like at the touch, before it popped.

The auburn haired man only giggled, taking a little jump.

He twirled around in air that weirdly enough didn't have a temperature and his feet hit something soft.

Its colour was the one of the candy floss uncle George and aunt Mimi used to buy him at the fête when he was just a kid.

The memory made him smile, before sadness took over.

He missed those days.

He shook his head; no time to be sad.

He skipped along the candy floss field, when suddenly, his ears picked up at a sound.

It was a voice, sweet like sugar and warm like tea.

John furrowed his brows, the voice was Paul's.

Why was Paul's voice sounding like that, though?

It was sad, very sad.

"Paul?" he called, getting closer to the large tree in the middle of the field.

It was a large, red and white candy cane, with chocolate leaves dangling from the breeze, which smelled like caramel.

Paul was sitting under the tree, looking away.


Nothing, Paul didn't even acknowledge him.

John's brows furrowed even more confused. One hand reached over to touch him.

Yet, the slight movement made him fall down.

John screamed.

Paul was white, lips purple.

John screamed again, trying to move away, but it felt like his feet were glued to the ground.

"P-Paul?" he called weakly, scared.

"You're dead, Johnny" whispered the corpse-Paul, a crazy glint into his eyes.

"N-No" stuttered out the auburn haired man, eyes wide and swelling with tears.

"Yes. Yes you're dead and we're all dead because of you"

"No! No! NO!"

"He's getting worse!"

"Please, you have to keep calm-"

"He's fucking getting worse! You did nothing to help him and now...and now..."

"Mimi! He's not dead! He's not"

John's doctor and the nurse were uncomfortably watching their patient's aunt slowly going insane.

Paul was trying to calm Mimi down, but the woman wasn't believing any word coming out from their mouths.

"Your shitty cure isn't doing anything! Two weeks! Two! And he's getting worse!" she screamed, bordering hysteric.

She had marched up to the doctor, one finger hitting his chest painfully.

Who knew that someone as short and tiny as Mimi held so much homicidal rage.

"Mimi, c'mon"

The doctor sighed in relief when Paul managed to pull her away by dragging her from the arm, yet the gaze she sent his way still managed to send a scared shiver down his spine.

Paul couldn't help but understand why Mimi was so frantic.

He himself was quite scared. He didn't want to lose his boyfriend.

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