Chapter 50: Death of Pinkamena

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"So how do we turn her normal?" Carmen asked. Then Darlene remembered something.

"This is like the book Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. To stop Pinkamena, we must kill her!" Darlene said. Pinkamena's eyes widened.

"No! Not that!" Pinkamena shouted.

"But it's what happens in the story!" Darlene said.

"Mom might have some kind of spell..." Carmen said. She got her mom's spell book and found a page.

"Oh here...a splitting potion. It splits two souls trapped in one body apart, and they will both have their original bodies again." Carmen read. She saw the ingredients and they made the potion. Then it was ready.

"What? I'm NOT drinking that. Pinkie Pie will be trapped in me FOREV-" Pinkamena said and then Carmen shoved the potion into her mouth and she drank it. Then Pinkamena fainted.

"Pinkie!" Carmen yelled. Then Pinkamena turned back into Pinkie Pie, and Pinkamena's soul flew out of her.

"You might have beaten me, but you've still got the other Dark Ponies to beat!" Pinkamena laughed, then she vanished.

"She's right though. We still need to defeat the other Dark Ponies." Carmen said to Darlene.

Then Pinkie Pie woke up.

"Pinkamena is gone!" She grinned.

"Pinkie, will you help us stop the Dark Ponies?" Darlene asked her.

"Yes!" Pinkie Pie smirked. "Bring the potion, too!"

Not only did they bring the potion, but the twins also invited their friends Carletta, Ash, Milly, and Annabelle. 

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