Gavin's Part- POV The Man

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The cold steel walls surrounded me as I screamed in fear and desperation. The large men dressed from head to toe in their thick baggy trench coats slammed the containers walls sealing us within the hellish nightmare which was my life now. The lights flicked on as my mother held my hand telling me everything was going to be okay. The attempts only made me weaker when they ripped her from me throwing her into the corner.

The plastic ruffled as the soldiers of evil grabbed hold of me and said “do you see, do you see! This is what happens when people cross us. Your mommy is not a very nice lady, she never even loved you did you know that?”

My mother yelled trying to tell me they were lying but I could not hear when she was saying over the sound of the buzzing chainsaw.

The man grabbed hold of my face and said “This will be fun! Watch or else the same will happen to you.”

I stood back as they lifted the chainsaw, my mother screamed trying to say her final words to me before the end. After the hours of screaming and vicious bloodshed I endured in fear of my life I sat silently in the blood soaked plastic. My throat began to swell as I envisioned it over and over again. It wouldn’t stop it couldn’t stop, as I shed a tear it sunk into me a darkness, a hatred, a passenger. The scrunching of the plastic being folded up and tossed away engrained its self-inside my mind as I looked on watching helplessly as the men tossed her away into the garbage bags like some kind of animal. As I sat lifelessly in the depression of my mind I could only hear the echoing words of the men.

“What do we do with him?”

“Leave him, he won’t be saying anything”

For days I sat there in the empty storage container all alone as the world had seemed to have forgotten about me. Then a man approached me addressing himself as a police officer I kicked and screamed as I had grown to hate everything around me. Following countless months of moving from one home to another. But no matter how much love a family tried to show me the nightmares were always there in the darkness of the night. Replaying that moment over and over I recalled as I tore through her with the chainsaw. No family could ever handle my problems, years went on as my bitterness towards humanity grew stronger wanting nothing but destruction to follow me everywhere I went. These urges, desires followed me as I entered into my teenage years of life.

The anger and fear was too much to handle I needed answers, I needed her. Animals, Men, Women, and children fell under a category in my mind desensitizing me slowly till I could take no more. The time was now, the time to strike was inevitable as I snuck into the neighbor’s back yard. The flowers grazed my boots trampling through the flower beds towards the house. The kitchen knife lightly placing itself within my hand, opening the door to the house. A loud yelp shot into the air as I grabbed the leash of the dog pulling it from its rest. Over and over again I plunged the blade into his neck cutting it off from the rest of the body. The sensation filled this void in my life, I wanted more. As time went on the emptiness could no longer be filled with minuscule creatures. But I always resisted the want for human death.

Into adult hood I found myself with a decent job trying to shroud my inner self with a cover of white lies. Voices crowded my mind telling me, ordering me and demanding me to kill. I could never let anyone know these thoughts, I must resist. But no matter how hard I tried to put these voices away they were always there telling me stories and tales of how everyone I knew was the men I was after. Succumbing to the thoughts my dark passenger gained total control moving my body towards the car. I could hear her telling me to what to do.

“TURN ON THE CAR!” she yelled at me

I grabbed the keys from my pocket placing them in the ignition of the car, slowly turning the key starting the car.

“What do I do now?” I asked her


I pulled out of my driveway heading to the inner city. Reaching the downtown area my foot slammed onto the brake pedal un-expectedly. My head slammed into the steering wheel as she apologized for braking so fast.

She said “do you see him, sitting there passed out? Walk over there and see who I am talking about.”

I opened the car door and began to approach the man hesitantly. He sat there calmly shuffling on the cardboard with needle still in hand.

Suddenly she commanded me “take this and kill him”

I looked down seeing the dagger in my hand and without hesitation I looked on as I moved towards the overdosing drug addict. Over and over again I dug my knife into his chest feeling the same nostalgic feeling, as though he was just another animal. I regained control peeling the knife away from the man, but this feeling of immense pleasure faded as I began to feel the intensity of the evil I had committed.

When I returned home the nights became one with the day as I drew restless and unable to shut my eyes in fear of the nightmares. Sitting there in my bed I tried to fall asleep slowly descending into insanity. Breaking under the pressure I started to yell to the voices trying to drown them out of my mind.

“Stop, stop, stop! I don’t want to hear you anymore!”

Again, and again I repeated the words as I covered my eyes yelling louder and louder till finally the voices stopped. Lowering my hands from my eyes I looked on as a shadow stared me down from the other side of the room.

I rose from my bed to confront the mysterious figure whispering I asked “Who is there?”

Drawing closer it spoke softly to me. “It’s me your mommy, I missed you.”

Stepping closer towards my bed the figure became clear this mysterious woman in my room was my mother.

 I began to shake as I did not know what to say, confused I replied “Th…that’s not possible… I saw you die…” I stumbled on my words trying to piece together all that was happening.

She began to smile menacingly as she started to yell “You killed me. You didn’t stop them from all the torture I went through, just to keep you alive!”

I began to shake as she spoke over the repeating memories in my mind “You’re the reason why I’m dead!”

The memories turned to reality as I stood there with the remains of my mother and the men cleaning up the plastic. Looking on seeing the young me crying I felt my mother’s hand caress my shoulder, she leaned towards me and whispered “Now it’s your time to die”

The sharp pain struck me from behind as I fell to the ground. Wrestling the knife away from her hands I threw it across the container. I tried to strangle the life away from this fictitious being, screaming trying to overpower her. The life faded from her eyes as her soul left the body. I stood up and kneeled next to the young me remembering the same horrible feeling that looked me in the eyes the moment the stranger addressed me.

I looked into my fading innocent eyes as I told myself “I’m here to help, I am a police officer”

The words ran smoothly from my mouth as I went to pick myself up. But before I was able to rescue myself from the container the lurking evil filled the air. The boy shoved me to the floor, my head hitting the steel walls, my eyes blurred as the cold barren body rose bringing itself towards me. It picked the blade up from the floor raising it high into the air above my helpless body. Savagely it struck me over and over and when the torture was finished I opened my eyes. Looking down to find the blade still in my hands as I haltingly rose the blade from within my chest. There within unlit bedroom I observed as the mysterious figure faded into the same darkness which enveloped my soul.

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