*~*~* As Time Goes By*~*~*

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October 31, 1974

*~*~* Hogwarts *~*~*

Remus woke to the depressingly familiar site of the Hogwarts infirmary. Everything smelled so sharply the scent of cleaning potions stung his sensitive nose. He was sore and weak. And the wolf in his head was whining in the back of his mind. He turned his throbbing head to the side and saw the proof his friends had already been there. Three bars of Honeydukes best Chocolate. He shifted a bit and groaned in pain. He imagined that the aftermath of a transformation to be somewhat similar to the aftermath of the Cruciatus.

The matron had obviously been waiting for him to wake up. She bustled out immediately when she heard him groan and began pouring foul potions down his throat. He was grateful. Truly, he was. It was better than hurting, although his taste buds were suffering for his sake. It was a sacrifice he'd willingly make. 

Poppy made all the appropriate noises about letting him go back to his room to rest. Of course she mentioned he had to rest first. He reached over and gobbled down half of a bar of chocolate before he sighed and gave in to the pull of sleep.

The next time he woke, James and Sirius were discussing Quidditch maneuvers, complete with gestures and Peter was sitting quietly observing everything around him. He had always been observant. People had thought he was a hanger on or a follower, but Peter was key. He made a brilliant scout since despite being well-known as their friend people seemed to skip over noticing him. None of the marauders had been surprised that he had been the  one to master the notice-me-not and disillusionment spells. He wasn't the weakling people thought him. He just wasn't as flashy as Sirius and James or as naturally studious as Remus. He came across as completely average. Sometimes Remus wondered if he ever resented the others. He never contemplated that long though. 

"Hi," Remus said. Or rather, Remus attempted to say hi. It came out as more of a raspy croak. Suddenly, there was Peter with a glass of water and Matron with more foul tasting potions to pour down his throat.

"Gah," Remus shuddered. "Why do they always have to taste so bad?"

"So you don't abuse them," Poppy shot back with a worried frown. 

"Better you than me, mate," Sirius grinned. "Can he be given time off for good behaviour and attend the feast tonight? Please Madam Pomfrey?"

"I don't know," Poppy hedged. "He needs rest, and frankly I don't trust you to let him rest."

"We solemnly swear that Remus will rest," Sirius and James chorused together. 

Poppy just raised an eyebrow as Peter and Remus grinned at their friends. 

They were completely mad. But Remus was rather glad of that. After all if they weren't they would have run screaming from him when they found out about his condition. And as much as they pretended otherwise, fooled around, and goofed off Remus could smell the worry on them every time he woke up after the full moon. His friends...Not even Hufflepuffs could boast friends as loyal as that. 

Remus didn't even know the half of it...

*~*~* Blackthorn Hall *~*~*

The first few weeks after Quinn had passed had been absolutely brutal on all three of them. Arguably it had been worse on Vi than anyone. She had "episodes'' every day for several weeks. Some of the 'visions' hadn't been Hermoine's memories though. She'd also had flashes of memory of the new past they had created. Not visions but she would remember something in the same way she remembered 'real' memories. Memories of Hermoine were slowly fading, separating, and becoming memories of visions. She began developing memories of being Vi. 

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