Daily Prophet

845 44 3

November 1, 1998

Catastrophe at Gringotts!

Late in the afternoon on October 31, there was an event so unprecedented and alarming that we will, much like that other fateful Halloween 17 years ago, remember where we were when we heard.

It has now been confirmed that Harry Potter and Hermoine Granger, who our sources had recently confirmed had blood adopted each other, went with Mr. Potter's godson for an appointment with their bank manager to collect some items from their vaults. Our faithful readers will recall the story we broke recently about Mr. Potter leaving Wizarding Britain, and possibly the wizarding world entirely, in order to raise his godson, child of the late Remus Lupin who was a dear friend of the late James Potter, away from the publicity that has followed Mr. Potter everywhere.

While the Potters were in the vaults there was an explosion that shook, not just the foundations of Gringotts, but the entire Alley. The explosion originated from the level of vaults where the Potters had last been seen and it has been confirmed that Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger Potter, and young Teddy Lupin are listed among the deceased. Minister Shacklebolt, who had gone to Gringotts to say goodbye to his friends before they departed that evening, was on site when the explosion occurred and paricipated in the initial rescue efforts inside the bank.

When asked about the events in question, Minister Shaklebolt responded with the below.

I am deeply and personally saddened by the loss of two such extraordinary people. Harry and Hermoine were friends, very dear friends. We fought together during the war, and we struggled together in the aftermath. I cannot express how much I feel the world has lost with them.

This reporter's sources confirmed that the Potters had taken a last stroll down Diagon alley on their way to Gringotts that night stopping at several of their old haunts along the way. Following their path, the trio was reported to have stopped at the window of WWW, owned by their dear friend George Weasley. When we retraced their steps we discovered this:

[Picture of the window of WWW including the etched handprints]

From what we have discerned, the owner saw them stop and touch the window and decided to preserve it. Due to the type of product carried at WWW, all of the windows and the main structure had been heavily reinforced before the war which is all that allowed this beautiful memorial to survive. Already tokens and flowers have begun piling up both on the steps of Gringotts and in front of the WWW window.

We have been unable to reach any other members of the Order of the Phoenix or the DA for comment.

The death toll was startlingly low apart from the Potters and the guards outside their vault, no other deaths have been reported. Although thre were any number of injuries, and some victims reminain in critical conditon at St Mungos. This appears to be due to the initial rescue efforts of those in the bank, both wizards and goblins, who banded together to save as many as possible. The Aurory is classifying this as an assassination and has been requested to make this case a priority.

We will continue to follow this story closely and bring you all the latest updates.

*~*~*The Burrow, November 1, 1998*~*~*

"And you're sure they made it?" Ron asked again.

"Positive," Bill confirmed to his brother. Again.

"Okay," Ron breathed out.

"We need to think about a funeral," Kings said softly.

"Andie has asked us to say she has gone into seclusion and has asked not to be disturbed. I told her that they had made it away. She said she couldn't face Teddy's funeral," Bill reported. "It'll all be up to us."

"We should cremate," Percy said practically. Practicalities were how he dealt with things. "That way no one can look too closely at the 'bodies'."

"Good point," Kingsley agreed. "Inter the ashes?"

"Hm..." Bill hummed.

"Give the ashes in an urn to Gringotts. Let them inter them in the vaults." Percy said.

"That's a good idea. We'll contact Rongar to take care of it."

"It'll be good publicity for Gringotts as well," Ron said absently

"True," Bill said looking at Ron with raised eyebrows.

"Always with the tone of surprise," Ron smiled sadly. "What do we do now?"

"What we were already doing. We carry on," Molly said as she set supper out on the table.

And they did.

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