*~*~* The Burrow, October 3, 1998 *~*~*

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AN: This one is kinda short by comparison but the next one is the big day and its kind of massive...

"We're asking all of you to provide memories of the war. Memories of important events of your school years, particularly the last year under Headmaster Snape," Kingsley instructed the members of the DA that had arrived at the Burrow that evening. Neville had given Harry a huge hug when he arrived as the news about Harry and Hermione leaving the Wizarding world had become public that morning.

"The good, the bad, the funny, we want it all. We want to create the most comprehensive record of the war that we can."

"You're asking us to remember the worst parts of our lives," Dean comments.

"Yes, I know," Kingsley replied in a serious voice. "I want a record of how bad it was. I want to show how hard we fought. How much we sacrificed."

Hermione's hand shook slightly as she touched her wand to her temple and the tell-tale thread of memory went into a vial.

"Malfoy Manor?" Harry asked quietly. Hermione nodded. Then she pulled another.

"The twins' great escape."

Neville pulled his wand and was next. "Killing the snake."

"Watching Harry catch his first snitch, by almost swallowing it." That was Ron.

"Patronuses in the DA." Terry Boot.

"The Chamber of Secrets." Ginny.

"The first hogshead visit."


"The Carrows."

"The Department of Mysteries."

"The yule ball."

"When we got our galleons."

"Getting points in Transfiguration."

"The first time I did the levitation charm right."

"Studying by the fire in the common room."

"The first time I saw the Express."

On and on it went. Some of the memories were mundane. Others were specific to the war. Towards the end of the night, Harry Ron and Hermione had just passed Kingsley the last of their memories when two words stopped everything.

"The wall."

George could barely get out the words much less hold onto the copy of the memory, but he did it. Then he slid it over to Harry and not Kingsley. It was his way of asking them to make sure they didn't forget.

Hermoine pulled her memory of it and added it to the vial. "The wall."

The two memories swirled and danced together.

Percy had come in at some point adding in memories from the ministry and Hogwarts. His lips trembled as he pulled another thread to add to theirs. "The wall."

Kingsley nodded as Harry passed him the little bottle.

"I can have a copy made for you before you leave," Kingsley said. "I know you don't want to forget."


*~*~* October 24, 1998 *~*~*

Bill sat in Rognar's office and looked over the plan. "I'd like to let Kingsley know. Possibly even Ron. Kings can help with the spin and Ron will need to know what happened."

"Yes, late on Halloween I think. In the lower vaults. The main Potter vault is there. It would make the most sense."

"You wrote everything up?"

"Yes, all signed and confirmed with the Potters. The trunks will be brought here by the house-elf and he will then continue to serve Mrs. Tonks. I have a letter to myself. There is nothing more we can do."

"And you put the pensive and the vials in their trunks?"

"Yes. That was quite an impressive collection. Did you donate as well?"

"Yes," Bill answered and absently fingered his scar. "We even got memories from Viktor and Fleur. The Archivist at the ministry nearly wet himself with joy. McGonagall demanded copies of all the ones from the Triwizard. I think she hopes it will persuade future headmasters to give it a miss. Well, Thank you for all your help setting this up. Good Luck."

"You as well, Cursebreaker Weasley."

It was almost time.

AN: updated for minor changes 7/4/20

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