● Chapter 6 ●

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The Sorting Hat was placed upon Cynthia's head and was so large that the brim rested on the peak of her nose.

 A scratchy sort of mutter was heard in Cynthia's ears, "Lots of potential here - you're as brave and skilled as a Gryffindor deep down but with the kindness and justness of a Hufflepuff - hm"

 Bravery? Skill?, Cynthia thought in response, Where did you get that from?

 "I see it in you, I was given a brain like the founders after all" Cynthia scoffed but she knew the Hat was right. "You'd flourish in Gryffindor, your progress would be accelerated. You could really make something of yourself there than anything else"

 I don't feel like a Gryffindor, Cynthia thought. The hall was oddly quiet and stared in interest at Cynthia and the Sorting hat who were taking quiet some time.

 "If you say so. Well in that case - better be HUFFLEPUFF" The Hat cried out and the Great Hall broke out into applause, especially from the Hufflepuff table.

"I'm so glad you're in the same house as me" Freida said once Cynthia had sat down beside her "I know we're just going to be great friends"

 "I'm sure we will" Cynthia said with a smile and they began talking to other Hufflepuff's between sortings. Freida and Cynthia started to bet which house each student would belong to.

More students were sorted and Hufflepuff was proud to welcome the additions of Justin Finch-Fletchley, Megan Jones and Anthony Goldstein, amongst many others.

"Kapoor, Ahita" Professor McGonagall's curt scottish accent filled the hall and echoed from the corners of the enchanted sky. 

Ahita offered a certain and brave smile and strided towards the front of the hall to sit upon the wooden stool. 

 "Slytherin, Slytherin, Slytherin" She whispered under her breath. 

 The Sorting Hat had seemed to take longer than most of the other students and the hall sat with baited breath. Some of the Slytherin table who had recognised her had even started to look confused.

 "Hufflepuff!" The Hat yelled after a few minutes.

 Applause broke out yet some on the Slytherin table were oddly silent and confused. Cynthia had never seen anyone so hollow looking. Her straight and confident posture was shattered as she slumped and began to walk towards the Hufflepuff table with her head down and metaphorical tail between her legs. 

 "Glad you could join us in Hufflepuff" Freida said as Ahita plopped down beside her, looking awfully pale and in disbelief. Cynthia offered her a polite smile, she still couldn't shake something off from the girl.

 "My parents are going to hex me " She said quietly "I'm not supposed to be here, the Hat wouldn't let me be a Slytherin. I'm supposed to be Slytherin!"

 "The hat could be wrong? Either that or you're supposed to be here" Freida said.

 "It's wrong!" Ahita burst out "How could something so wrong like this happen? Hufflepuff is a joke"

 This earnt some dirty looks from the elder Hufflepuffs. 

 "There's nothing wrong with Hufflepuffs. Like the Sorting Hat said, we're hard working and just" A second year had said, listening in on their conversation now that their house had been insulted. 

Cynthia Cygnet and the Misplaced GryffindorWhere stories live. Discover now