Part 1

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Hey, my name is Y/n. I am 21 years old and live with my best friend Gracie in a house in London. I know Gracie since I was seven years old. We got close because my parents were never like my dad is an alcoholic, my mom is drug addict and my older sister moved away when I was five. She never really cared about me so that's why I'm grateful to have a best friend like Gracie. Her family took care of me, more then my biological parents. Gracie and me always had the idea of her being an assistent for a rich actor and me being an actress but we didn't took it serious since that day...

„Y/n wake up!!! I have to tell you something" she says exciting.
„Dude really? It's 8am what is so important?"
I say with my eyes closed in a tired voice.
„I got a new job! Guess for which actor I am going to work!?" she says excited again.
„I don't know maybe for me?" at that moment she hit me on my arm which didn't hurt but I was to dramatic at that moment so I just said „autsch that hurts! Be careful with my beautiful arm, lady." I said laughing and feeling her emotionless face looking at me.
„Okay I'm going to tell you but don't freak out."
„Tell me."
„I work for Tom Holland!"

I stand up and look at her like I just saw a ghost.

„Yeah, I'm starting today so could you-"
„Bring you lunch? Drive you? Bring you some-"
„Y/n breath!" she says laughing „Just wait here for me. I'm sure I want to talk to you about this job when I'm home again."
„Really? That's all? Damn uh okay alright."
„Okay I have to go now. Bye."

And with that sentence she run outside to her car and drive off.

*two hours later*
I heard a knock at my door and without even knowing who it is I said „come in." . The door opens and I see Gracie crying. I jump right up and ask her why she has tears in her eyes.

„I'm never going to leave this house again!"
„Why, what happened?"
„It was a disaster! He was so rude to me."
„What did he say?"
„He said that I never going to be a assistent."
„Okay alright let's go."
„Where are we going."
„He's going to meet my best friend."
„Y/n please don't do -"
„Go wait for me in the car. I'll be there in a second."

꧁Hey. I'm sorry if this part isn't as good as other Storys but that's my first story so I'm going to learn how to write good. I hope that you still like that part. Love you guys and thanks for reading.꧂

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