Part 2

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I ran into my car after a few minutes and look at Gracie.
„Where is he?"
„Y/n I'm not going to -"
„Where is he?" I ask again.
„Here the adress."

After 25 minutes we were there. I really have to pull myself together not to do something too wrong. Even if I do something wrong, to treat someone like that is not okay.

„Hey, where do you think you're going?" asks a security man in front of the entrance door.
„I want to visit my best friend Tom Holland."
„What is your name?"
„Just let me in it won't take long."
„I can't do that. Please leave."
„You don't understand me, right? I said that you should let me in."
„What if not?"

I look at him in the eyes before grabbing his right arm and twist it behind his back.

„I said you should let me in. What's so hard to understand?"
„C-can you let go of my arm?"
„Sure babyboy" I say before I step in but I turn around again „Oh and the next time you should let me in. You don't want that I broke your arm, want you?" I say with an arrogant tone.
„Yes miss, I'm sorry."
„As you should."

I walk in and look at Gracie who looks at me like I just killed the guy.

„You good?" I ask her.
„Yes of course, just uhm can we leave?"
„I just want to talk to -"

I didn't even finish my sentence when someone talks to me behind my back so I turn around to face the person.

„Who the fuck are you? And why are you still here? I said that you are never going to be an assistent so trust me you're never going to -"
„You are Tom Holland?"
„Yeah who's asking"
„Y/n don't -"

I grab his arm and press him on the ground with his face looking from the side in my eyes.

„I don't know what you think you are to talk to my friend like that but listen to me when I tell you that I could break your whole body in one second for talking to her like that. I would excuse me in your position. We both don't want that you lie in a hospital, want we?" I say and press him harder on the ground.
„I'm sorry, to be honest you're a great assistent I just had uhm - I just had a shitty day." he says with a rough voice.
„See, it wasn't that hard. Next time my friend you're going to be ending up in the hospital."
I say and let him go of the ground. He immediately gasps for air and stands up but before he looks at where we stood but we were gone.

*home again*
I made my way directly to the bathroom to wash my hands so I can eat but then I remember that I didn't cook anything so I had the idea in my head to go to an restaurant to eat something with Gracie.

„Hey, I didn't cook anything so how about we go to an restaurant and eat something there?"
„Yes that good but can we just talk about what happened like a minute ago?"
„No we can't. Get ready now."

After half an hour you two were ready. Both of you in a dress and wearing high heels.

Gracie's dress:

Your dress: (you can take that or imagine something else)

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Your dress: (you can take that or imagine something else)

After 20 minutes you both were at the restaurant and you are waiting for your order until you hear people talking back and forth and it gets louder and louder so you turn around and saw the person you didn't want to see at the same restaurant

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After 20 minutes you both were at the restaurant and you are waiting for your order until you hear people talking back and forth and it gets louder and louder so you turn around and saw the person you didn't want to see at the same restaurant.

Gracie is asking me „Do you see that?"
„Yeah, I see him." I replied at her question.
„Should we help him?He really was an asshole"
„He's still an asshole but... should I go up to him?"

I ask and her only answer was just „yeah" so I stand up and make me on my way to him.

„Oh there you are! I've been looking for you all the time." I said with an smile on my face and hugging him.
„Yeah I'm here so should we go in?" he replied happy which was a little weird because of what happened today.
„Yes just go in and take a seat."

At that moment all the paparazzis are yelling and saying „Tom who's that? „Is that your fiancé or your wife?" „Since when are you two together?" „What is her name?"  and I had to handle this.

„Hey guys listen to me, I know you want to take pictures of Tom I understand you, I really do just give us some privacy because we really want to have a nice evening and with you guys it's just really really stressful so please go home, go to your family and tell them you love them."

All the paparazzis just looked at me and just said „alright, sorry. Have a great evening." and just like that the paparazzis were gone. I'll make my way back to the restaurant and look after around to find Tom.

„Here you are"
„Hey uhm yeah....thank you."
„No problem."
„Why did you help me?"
„Why not?" I wink at him and sat down at my table again leaving him alone.

After our food Gracie had the idea of going to a club but we both didn't know what will happen until we got there.

꧁ Hey, I really hope that you like this part.
New part is going to be there today or tomorrow. Thank you for reading this part. Love you <3 ꧂

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