Misgiving With a Bit of Hope

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Hoseok puts both hands on his knees and bends forwards, trying to catch his breath. The loud beat from the song he’s been trying to choreograph is still going in the background, and he begrudgingly walks to the stereo to unplug his phone.

“He found someone else.”

The voice almost makes him jump, and he puts a hand on his chest as he whips his head around. He’d almost forgotten Jimin was here. Although their university days are long gone, Jimin still comes around to the dance studio every once in a while, sitting against one of the mirrors to watch him practice.

“What? Who?” Hoseok asks, confused.

Jimin nibbles on his bottom lip and holds his knees close to his chest. Like this, he looks almost too vulnerable to be talking so assuredly.

“Kook. He’s been texting someone.”

Hoseok frowns, even more confused than he was before. Both Jimin and Jungkook are among his best friends, and if there’s one thing in this world he’s a hundred percent sure of, it's how whipped they both are for each other – almost disgustingly so, after all these years.

Sure, they’d been going through somewhat of a rough patch recently – but nothing serious enough that Jungkook would try to find comfort in the arms of another. If Hoseok is being completely honest, he doesn’t think anything could ever lead Jungkook to do such a thing. That boy is way too far gone.

He tells as much to Jimin, who just shakes his head stubbornly. “I know him, hyung. I know what his face looks like when he’s trying to impress someone. And I even saw him smile the other day – what the hell is there to smile about? Our relationship is falling to pieces.”

Hoseok has to try really hard not to roll his eyes at how ridiculously obstinate Jimin is being. He opens his mouth to reassure him once more, but Jimin cuts him off, picking up his rambling right where he’d left it – “Unless that’s what’s so funny to him. Yeah, maybe he can’t wait to finally get rid of me-“

Oh my God, Jimin,” Hoseok groans. “Are you even hearing yourself right now?”

Jimin slumps against the wall with a pout. Hoseok lets out a sigh – he really needs to smack some sense into both of these idiots. But for the time being, he goes to sit next to Jimin, ruffling his hair just to hear him protest.

“You think you’re the clingy one?” he laughs. “Remember the time you had to go back to Busan for your brother’s birthday, and you stayed there for like, three days?”

Jimin grumbles under his breath, trying and failing to pat his hair back into place. “What about it?”

“Jungkook literally wouldn’t stop texting us. But the flat is too quiet, hyung, I don’t like it,” he whines in a bad interpretation of Jungkook’s voice. “Hyung, do you think he misses me? Hyung, should I ask him to call me before he goes to sleep or is that too lame? Hyung, they’re having a sale, do you think I should buy a train ticket to Bu-“

“Okay, okay, I get it,” Jimin interjects, raising his voice to drown out Hoseok who’s still trying to imitate Jungkook’s exact pitch.

There’s a faint blush coloring his cheeks, and Hoseok can’t help but soften. “That boy is so in love with you he doesn’t know how to operate when you’re not here, Jiminie. He’d never go and try to find somebody else. You’re it for him.”

Jimin isn’t used to Hoseok sounding so serious, but despite how desperately he wishes for those words to be true, he still can’t get rid of the doubt that clouds his mind.

After all, even when they’d first met, Jimin had been so sure that Jungkook would never take a second look at him. It’s not that he didn’t find himself attractive; he’d had enough people come up to him and blatantly attempting to flirt to have faith in his own charms.

But Jungkook would always refuse to meet his eyes, never quite acknowledging him when they would all hang out together with their wide group of friends. It had surely come as a surprise when a year later, Jungkook had asked him to be his date at the annual showcase hosted by the university.

Jimin had been absolutely ecstatic. He remembers taking so much time to pick out his outfit and style his hair that Taehyung had started throwing pillows at him, saying that he might as well show up wearing a potato sack, because even then, he’d still make Jungkook stutter his every sentence.

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