Love Is Not Over

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Jimin hadn’t expected to be the first one to break. He’d been adamant on standing his ground this time, but honestly, he can’t even remember what he’s supposed to be mad at Jungkook for. Is it for missing their anniversary? What does it matter, when Jimin himself has come home way past midnight more times than he can count? Why be so hung up over a single milestone, when at this rate, they might not even be together for the next one?

This single possibility makes his heart squeeze with a sharp pang of pain.

He tried to listen to Hoseok, tried his hardest not to let the bad thoughts overwhelm him, but sometimes he can’t help but think that maybe Jungkook doesn’t want to reach the next milestone with him. Jimin knows that he’s the first serious boyfriend that Jungkook has ever had, and maybe he wants to see, feel and learn something different now – someone different.

Just the thought of that is enough to make him cry himself to sleep on any given night, and he’s more terrified of finding out Jungkook’s answer than he can say, but he has to ask, he just has to.

They don’t talk or share anything anymore, and Jimin can’t remember the last time he felt Jungkook’s skin on his, all warm hands and supple lips. The silence and lack of contact is slowly killing him.

Jimin jumps a bit from where he’s sat on the couch when he hears the front door opening. A second later, Jungkook is coming into the living room, hair completely wet as he tries to dry himself up to no avail. Jimin had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed it started raining.

At first, Jungkook doesn’t notice that he’s not alone in the room. He’s so used to the apartment being empty by now that it doesn’t occur to him that anything might be out of the ordinary. It’s only when he goes to sit on the couch that he realizes Jimin is already there, biting his nails like he always does when he’s stressed out about something.

For the first time since they slowly started to let their relationship whither, Jungkook takes a good look at Jimin. He’s still wearing his clothes from work, but he must’ve asked to leave early, because he’s usually never home before nine. His tie has been discarded on the coffee table, the first few buttons of his shirt undone, and his hair is a mess, like he's been running his fingers through it in frustration.

There are dark circles under his eyes that probably match the ones on Jungkook’s face.

Jungkook isn’t sure who’s supposed to talk first. It’s obvious that Jimin has something to say, because he’s looking at Jungkook with a kind of intent that’s so strikingly different from the forced indifference he’s been displaying recently. And yet, it’s like he doesn’t dare break the silence.

After a few moments of just looking at each other, Jungkook decides to sit opposite Jimin, making room for himself on the coffee table. They’re so close that their knees are almost touching, and it’s the longest they’ve looked at each other since Jungkook came back from that stupid work trip.

In the end, Jimin is the one that speaks first. His voice is so small and wobbly that Jungkook has a hard time hearing him, but as soon as he does, he feels his heart break inside his chest.

“Do you still love me?”

Jungkook doesn’t know if he should cry, scream or throw his arms around Jimin’s closed-in, vulnerable figure and never let go.

His eyes start to water of their own accord, and his shoulders sag with the sad sigh he lets out.

“Jimin-” he starts, but he’s almost immediately interrupted.

“Because it’s okay if you don’t, and I- I’d respect your decision.” Jimin isn’t looking at him anymore, and his voice cracks with each word he pronounces. “But I just want you to be honest with me. If- if you want to leave me, then-”

“Jimin, shut up.” Jungkook cuts in, hastily wiping his cheeks, only for more tears to fall down. “Please, just shut up.”

Jimin’s eyes are wide in shock as he looks back at him, and Jungkook can’t wait a second longer.

He cups Jimin’s face in his hands and closes the distance between them. As soon as their lips touch, they both let out a heavy breath, and Jungkook can’t remember ever feeling this relieved – it’s been so, so long. Too long. It’s only then that he realizes how truly deprived he’s been of Jimin’s touch, how nothing will ever be able to come close to the feeling of breathing in the man he loves.

Even when they part, Jungkook keeps a firm grip on Jimin’s face, too scared that if he lets go, they’ll both start drifting apart again. The only future in which he can be happy is the one where Jimin stays this close to him. If he hadn’t already been convinced of that before, then the past few weeks have definitely done that for him.

“I love you more than anything, Jimin,” he says against his lips, and Jimin lets out a pleading whine, tiny hands clutching Jungkook’s shirt. “I’m so sorry for ever making you feel like I don’t. I’d rather die than leave you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I-”

“Kookie,” Jimin whispers before wrapping both of his arms around Jungkook and burying his face in his neck.

They stay like that for what feels like hours, until the coldness inside their bodies finally starts to melt. The rain outside the window has stopped, and Jungkook feels like laughing at how perfect a coincidence this is. It’s no surprise, really – Jimin just has that kind of effect wherever he goes.

Right now, in Jimin’s arms, surrounded by the smell of his cologne, Jungkook feels more at ease than he’s ever had before.

When he’s finally come down from his emotions, Jimin slowly unwinds his arms from Jungkook’s neck and starts fiddling with the collar of his shirt, a bit nervously, like he’d done the first time he’d tried to knot Jungkook’s tie for him. Jungkook can’t help but look at him in pure adoration, their faces still so close he can count every single one of Jimin’s eyelashes.

“I’m sorry too, Jungkookie. I never meant to let it go that far,” he says around a sniffle. “’so so stupid. We’re so stupid.”

Jungkook laughs without having to fake it, and it feels like the weight of the world has finally been lifted off his shoulders. “We are. But that’s why we’re so good for each other.”

When they both get in bed, Jimin is almost too lazy to take his work pants off. Jungkook undoes the last buttons of his shirt for him and gives him one of the soft tees he likes to sleep in. He kisses Jimin before going to his side of the bed and sliding under the covers, and then kisses him again when Jimin cuddles close to him, mumbling a good night, baby bear into his chest.

Jungkook buries his nose in Jimin's hair and squeezes him a bit closer.

When he wakes up, Jungkook doesn’t reach for the other side of the bed. There is a warm body on top of him, and he smiles as he falls back asleep.

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