That Day

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When he really thinks about it, this entire fight has been blown way out of proportion, Jungkook figures. If he had known it’d get this far, he never would’ve gone to the work trip at all. But his boss had been insistent, and Jungkook, still labelled as the newbie in the company, had been desperate to finally prove himself worthy of the position.

So he’d accepted the case, and an hour later, he was boarding a four-hour flight to Honk Kong, his lips still red with the hurried kiss he’d given Jimin before rushing to catch a taxi.

After all, one week didn’t sound so bad – he and Jimin had been apart for longer before, and they’d made it work just fine then. Why wouldn’t it work now?

Except one week turned into two, and then two into three, the case being a lot more complicated than Jungkook’s boss had told him. After one of his meetings with the client had yet again been delayed, Jungkook had understood, although the weight of the realization scared him, that he might not make it home in time for his six-year anniversary with Jimin.

He’d booked a flight right on the exact same day, bolting out of the meeting room as soon as he could, running to the subway station and praying to arrive at the airport on time – except he didn’t, and instead had to watch his plane fly off without him.

Jungkook remembers how his heart had broken when he’d thought of Jimin, alone in their apartment, probably already done with the dinner preparations as he waited for Jungkook to come home.

He’d tried texting and calling, but his phone’s battery had died along the way, and when he finally found a coffee shop to recharge it, Jimin had already fallen asleep, the call going directly to voicemail.

“Hey, baby, it’s me,” he’d said, clutching his cup of coffee a bit too hard, his leg jittering nervously. “I- I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. The meeting got delayed, and- it doesn’t matter, I have no excuses. I’m so sorry, baby. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Call me back when you get this, okay?”

He’d taken a big breath, brushing his hair out of his face and feeling his eyelids drop with fatigue. “Okay. I love you, baby. I love you so much. Call me. Bye.”

Sighing at his pathetic attempt to apologize, Jungkook had let his head drop to the table, the noise it made as it hit the surface barely audible inside the busy coffee shop.

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