Chapter 1

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"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light".
- Albus Dumbledore.

The day had come, it was the first day of the girl's new job and new beginning. The female woke up to the birds chirping melodically and the rays of sunshine falling right upon her face due to the open window.

Y/N was contemplating to take an extra 5 minutes short nap, but her plans came crashing down when her phone began to ring with it's loud ringtone signaling that someone was calling her this early morning.

She groaned due to loud annoying noise coming from the device. Being too lazy at the moment, she decided to just leave the device till it shuts up on it's own and it did. She sighed happily which did not lasted long, since her caller was determined to wake her up from her peaceful slumber. After checking the caller's ID, she mentally groaned and prepared herself for the upcoming rant from her caller.

Picking up the ringing device from her side table on it's 4th ring she flinched hearing the sharp voice from the other side which caused her to move the device from her ear a bit.

My poor lovely ears!!

"HEYYY! Idiot ssup?! Are you not up yet?!" The voice coming from the other side indicated that this person was on it's full energy this early morning.

Hearing those words come out from her caller she rolled her eyes as if waking up someone this early at 7 was a normal thing for them.

Atleast for her friend it was.

"Good morning to you too! And me, uh I'm just enjoying the rides her in the amusement park. Wuuhh! Yeahh!!" She remarked sarcastically emphasizing her false excitement as if enjoying the rides.

The person on the other line snorted "Duhh! Don't you think it's too early for being in a amusement park, enjoying the rides?!" At this point Y/n lost her mind, she face palmed asking the gods how can a person be this dumb?

"Exactly!! What do you think I would do this early in the morning Lisa?!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air as if the person on the line could see her.

"Woah! Woah! Chill there tiger!! I just wanted you to not be late on our first day at job" She could imagine Lisa's pouting face and sighed regretfully, it wasn't her friends fault she was just too excited maybe over excited, about the job since the day they got accepted as teachers in SunBeam Kindergarten.

"Yeah! I know, better thing you called otherwise I must have be definitely late. Some pain over regret would be okay I guess" Y/n was now fully awake, sliding from her comfortable white sheets and slipping her fluffy slippers she made her way towards the bathroom, while stretching her shoulders on the way. She mentally noted to go back to daily routine of her morning run.

Lisa snorted from the other side of the line "Dude you just woke up it's not like I have beaten you up. Dramatic of you to comparing pain with waking up gurl!" Y/n could now see Lisa rolling her eyes and she mentally laughed at the thought.

Y/n gasped dramatically "Hey! You can't say that! You know I love my sleep more than youu" She teased now making Lisa gasp which made Y/n giggle.

"You!- you little brat how could you" Lisa whined playfully before huffing making Y/n laugh more.

"Sorry not sorry but that's the truth" Y/n shrugged.

"Whatever" Lisa replied scoffing.

"Okay but thanks for waking me up tho otherwise I would have been definitely late and I don't want to get scolding from Jeongyeon-unnie on the first day she could be scary when it comes to duties" Y/n shivered at the though of getting scolded.

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