Chapter 16

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"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"
Albert Einstein.


"I swear if we don't get there before the meeting starts" Jin stated speed walking and glaring at Jimin at the same time.

"Or I'm gonna hand you to Hyunwoo, Yohan and Daehyun" Jin continued making Jimin gasp and whine, "Noo"

"Then don't come to me running after they try something new creativity with you" Yoongi commented from behind Jin.

"No, you would not do that-!? Right!?" Jimin asked horrified.

"Oooh! That's–that's....I'll pray for you my friend" Taehyung said sympathetically.

"Shut up Tae" Jimin snorted.

"Okay no need to worry Jimin, I think we made it on time," Namjoon said stopping in front of the hall in which the meeting was going to be held.

"Huhh! I knew we will get on time" Jimin said puffing his chest.

But received a slap from Yoongi, on the back of his head  "Ouch! Hyung what was that for"

"Don't be proud about it now" Yoongi said, rolling his eyes.

"Are we finished? I want to go inside already" Jungkook asked impatiently.


The adults made their way inside the hall, where the meeting was to be held. When they spotted the kids, waving at them, the kids excitedly came running towards them.



"You all came," Hajoon said grinning at Namjoon.

"Finally," Jiwon said shrugging and shaking his head.

"But you all are late," Minjae said from Yoongi's arm.

Yoongi side glared at Jimin, "Sorry!" He ruffled Minjae's hair.

"Again" Daehyun cutely glared at Jimin, tiny hands on his hips.

"Haha, sorry," Jimin said scoping the angry boy and tickling, making him laugh.

"But here come, let's take our seats," Namjoon said to the others.

"We want to sit at the front!" Hyunwoo jumped pointing towards the front row of seats. "Yes pleasee!" Daeun agreed clapping her hands together.

"As you wish kiddos," Jin said smiling at the kids.

"Uncle Joonie where's Dad?" Minji asked once they reached the front row.

"Oh, don't worry princess he texted me saying he is at the entrance, parking his car" Namjoon informed the worried girl, who brightened up and hummed.


"So kids, what did you do?" Jungkook asked once set in the chairs with Jihoon beside him.

"Or did you get bored?" Jimin asked raising a brow.

"Nope, we helped Miss Y/n and others," Daehyun said.

"Yeah, we had so much fun," Jia said beside Jihoon before grinning at him and continuing "Right Hoon-iee?" He shyly shrunk down his seat, cheeks turning a light shade of pink, lowly muttering "Right" and smiling up at Jungkook.

"Ohh, good to know that" Jungkook grinned.

"Did you guys eat something?" Jin asked.

"Yup, Miss Y/n made us eat our sandwiches," Daeun said smiling which made Yoongi, hum and smile praising the kids. "Umm-hmm, very good!"

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