Chapter 15

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"Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demon"
- Denzel Washington.


Once the kids reached the classroom they took their bags from the locker, "Jae-ie please carry this too" Jia told Minjae handing out another bag to him.

"Okay, noona"

"Hey, Jae-ie, Jihoon-ie, I think you two should go back we will come behind you two after locking the doors," Hajoon said to the two youngest.

"Okay, Hyung-ie," Jihoon said "Let's go Jae-ie"

After walking another corridor Jihoon came footsteps decreased by the sight in front of them.

"Jae-ah, it's that group of boys. We should wait for Hajoon-Hyung and Jia-noona" Jihoon whispered to Minjae glancing at the group of boys.

Minjae frowned glancing at the boys and back to Jihoon, to hold his small hand in his own "Don't worry Jihoon-ie, we will pass them quickly" He reassured him squeezing his hand. Jihoon still looked deflected but nodded, trusting the other.

As the two boys made their way to the hall room they passed a group of second graders boys laughing among themselves but stopped once they saw Jihoon and Minjae trying to pass by them. One of the boys gestured to the two of them to the rest of the boys, cornering them in the middle of the corridor. The corridor was silent due to all the teachers being in the great hall.

"Look who we have here" One of the five stated smirkings.

"Oh, aren't you two from the group who sadly lost their mothers?" Another asked mockingly.

"Let us go!" Minjae stood bravely in front of Jihoon who was starting to shake.

"Ah, so you can speak?" one of them asked circling the two and coming to stand in front of Jihoon and Minaje.

"We thought you were just a scaredy-cat like him"

"Yes! We can speak and braver than you!" Jihoon said trying to be brave with his small fist-clenching his pants. Although tears were already gathered and on the verge of falling, that's how much scared he was. But tried to not show the older boys that he was scared of them so easily.

"Ah! Ah, someone's trying to be brave here" Another said standing beside the other boy.

"And what do you have here in your little bags?"

"Hmm, your daddies must have packed something delicious for you? Let us have some" The last boy said grabbing the bag from Jihoon.

"Don't touch our things" Minjae glared at them.

"So tell us scared ones, how did you lose your moms?" One asked pouting.

"Yeah, let us pity you all too," The same boy said mockingly.

"No!" Jihoon now was beside Minjae.

"Oh, Jihoon? Right? Yeah, we heard you were adopted, poor bunny" The boys laughed.

Jihoon gasped "Go away!" He shouted, tears now streaming down his red cheeks.

"Leave us alone!" Minjae clutched Jihoon's right fist in his, glaring at the boy who said such a bad thing to him, making him cry.

"Ah Minjae-ie" The older boy tried to ruffle his hair, "Hmm, and Minjae-ie where's you, mommy?" He asked smirking.

"I said let us go!!" Minjae exclaimed, clenching his tiny fist, which was beginning to shake from how scared he was. No matter how much he thought that the boys were just trying to play around with them, and told himself that their words were not affecting him, but the truth was, he was scared. He felt scared and with no one to protect them this time, due to the corridor being all silent. He felt tears gathering in his eyes.

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