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Lee Mark

16 years old

Brother: Taeyong

Was brought in for murder

I look around and see the street, lights, houses and people. I finally made it. I'm finally out of this madhouse.

After five years I'm finally out of the house. At first I didn't have anyone there who really understood me. Nobody understood my pain. There was only one person I could open up to, but that person was taken from me.

Taeyong, my brother, was never allowed to visit me in the psychiatry because the doctors said that he would cause flashbacks and only trigger me, while he is the only one who can calm me down. Because only one thing can trigger me and that is ... laughter.

I was 11 years old at the time and was actually a very innocent child, but there was one thing I never liked and it always made me white-hot. When I was laughed at and so was this guy.


I'm on my way home from school. It was late. I looked on my  watch and it told me ... 6 p.m. I'm usually home by four, but today I probably forgot the time and later left the playground.

I saw a dark alley that knew very well and it was a shortcut so I decided to take it. But when I was halfway through, an older man suddenly stood in front of me who was already a bit drunk.

"Hey little one, where are you going?" He asks me. I looked at him confused. 'What does he want from me now?' I thought to myself.
"Hey, I'm talking to you," he said a little more angrily. "But I am not with you," I said in a more guiding manner. He really got on my nerves.

Then suddenly he started laughing. I looked at him confused. His laughter grew louder and deeper. I didn't know what was happening around me. Suddenly he grabbed my arms and laughed right in my face. A fire burned inside me, which only got bigger with its quivering. His laughter grew louder and it multiplied. More and more figures formed around me who laughed at me.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted and then it happened. The man stumbled back a few steps and held his neck, which now had a ... pen? I looked at my shaky hand and it was covered in blood.

That was me? That was me!
I put the pencil in the man's neck and ... I liked it. Finally there was silence and the laughter stopped. The man looked at me with big and frightened eyes. Then he fell against the wall of a house and slid down on it.

Of course, this wasn't a deserted alley. Others saw me and immediately called the police. And so I ended up in this madhouse.

But now I am free, I have friends and a chance to finally meet my brother again.

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