Chapter 5

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"Okay, the best way to start is usually at the beginning. I had met you hundreds of years ago. I met you on the streets as a homeless person just trying to get some money to get to eat something. I walked up to you and gave you more money than you would have ever been given at that time. Not knowing how to thank me, you offered to work for me as a butler. After some thinking, I agreed and I took you to my house, that was the first time we met. The second lifetime was a lot similar to the one before and so on. Each time I had met you, you were getting better, healthier and sometimes you even went to school. The only thing that could help me know it was you because of off the love you had for myths and legends, you never stopped loving those and it was notable."

"So you are telling me, that you somehow were at all the places that I have been born at, lived at and we ended up together?" looking at him with caution he nodded towards you. 

"The only reason because that all happened isn't because I happened to be born at the same place. Y/N, this might sound crazy, but I am immortal and have been for thousands of years. I have seen millions and millions of people come and go but the only one that stuck with me was you. The first time I met you, I fell in love with you and never wanted to let you go. So every time you died I waited for you to be born again and wait for the right time to meet you again. And this time it happened to be when you were busy with myths and legends, so I had figured that you would have known by now that I would somehow show up because I never change, I never get older." silence fell upon the two of you as you didn't have words to really know what was going on. "I have photos as proof for you if you want?"

"Yeah let me see those pictures mister immortal." he handed you his wallet and rolled out all of the photos in there and indeed there was someone that looked exactly like you but with only one small thing different. And next to you was he. Never changing, always smiling and holding you tightly. On each picture, there was one single line written. "Oh, I want something just like this." 

"Those have been the words you always told me because you always used to say that I made your world better." he smiled softly and held your hand. "Do you believe me?" it took a while but sure enough you nodded your head. he was surprised because each incarnation of you it had been more and more difficult to convince you that it had been okay. "Can I take you home now? It is the house of your dreams." he chuckled softly and you nodded slowly.

"But... I do want all of my stuff taken with me."

"No worries, they will get there as soon as you are there." with that he took your hand and kind of teleported you to the house. It had been everything you ever wanted in your life and indeed all of your stuff was there. Not a single note was missing.

While living together since that day you had gotten into a relationship and soon enough you had been engaged and married. But sadly enough he didn't get older but you did. You continued to grow older and older, and he grew sadder and sadder knowing that soon enough you were gone again and it would take more time to make you believe again.

finally, on your death bed, you smiled at him as he held your hand. "oh, I want something just like this every time of my life. I have never felt happier in my life than with you." those were your last words to him as you finally died and were removed from all the pain and misery you had with your old age. But when you opened your eyes again, you saw the goddess of love in front of you and she smiled upon you.

"Y/N, you have lived so many lives with him and you continue to surprise us with the amount of love you can give him each time he gets to you no matter how hard we make it for him. So I and the others have decided to give you what you always have wanted and that is to be immortal alongside him so that he never has to feel lonely again. We will also grant you the wisdom and memories of all of the lives you have had with him. Just say one sentence for me and I will make it all happen for you."

"Oh, I want something just like this." with that you noticed you had gotten into a new body but you kept your name and memories. With his face in your mind, you began searching high and low, warm and cold, and then on a rainy autumn evening, you saw him sitting at a park bench near a body of water. Smiling you yell his name. "Aiden! I still want something just like this Aiden!" he had turned around and saw you standing there soaked in your clothing as your hair stuck to your face while the smile never left your face. He quickly ran up to you and held you tightly. 

"Y/N? Is it really you?" he held your face as you did the same to him.

"It is really me and I remember all of the lives I have lived with you and now I won't ever let you go." you both smiled as the lightning struck in the distance and you two kissed softly as the thunder kept happing all around you.

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